Conditional Redirects in the new Forms Editor Update

Conditional Redirects in the new Forms Editor Update

Luna Logic:

Okay. So, we're diving into HubSpot's forms editor update today.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And you know those forms that, sometimes feel like they were built in the stone age?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

A little clunky, a little impersonal.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. They could use some work for sure.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Enough to make a marketing pro weep. Right?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So HubSpot's been dizzy.

Ben Binary:

They have.

Luna Logic:

And you've got a front row seat to see what's new.

Ben Binary:

Front row? Yeah. Beta testing, actually.

Luna Logic:

Oh, really?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. So you'll actually be ahead of the curve with some of these features.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

They literally just rolled these out in September.

Luna Logic:

Music to my ears. I love it.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's exciting stuff.

Luna Logic:

So I've skimmed the docs you sent over, and conditional redirects immediately caught my eye. Yeah. Spill the tea. Is this as big as it sounds?

Ben Binary:

It's huge. Okay. It's really big. Yeah. Alright.

Ben Binary:

Think about it, all that wasted potential when a visitor on your site is red hot

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Ready to buy

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But they get stuck in your generic funnel.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Conditional redirects let you send them on a personalized journey.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

They hit imagine, schedule a demo.

Luna Logic:

Right. Yeah.

Ben Binary:

Boom. Straight to your booking page.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

If they need more info, no problem. How about we send them a curated download to warm them up?

Luna Logic:

Okay. That's slick.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But what about those forms that need to be long?

Ben Binary:

Well, yes.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Get away with 3 fields and a puppy photo. Right?

Ben Binary:

You can't always do that.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Enter the new editor and multistep forms.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So think less wall of text, more like we're guiding them through a conversation.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Research shows that this alone, just making it multistep, can boost completion rates significantly. Less intimidating equals more qualified leads for you.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Makes sense.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Alright. Paint me a picture.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

How would this work for, say, a sauce trial sign up?

Ben Binary:

Easy. Okay. Step 1 Yeah. Just the essentials, name, email, maybe company. Yeah.

Ben Binary:

Step 2, now that they're invested a little bit, we get a bit deeper company size, what brings them to us, pain points, that kind of thing.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Each step feels less daunting, and you're gathering data progressively without overwhelming them.

Luna Logic:

So it's like those choose your own adventure books

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But for lead gen.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Yeah. I dig it.

Ben Binary:

It's a cool way to think about it. Yeah. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

What else does this fancy new editor have up its sleeve?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Oh, really?

Ben Binary:

That'll make you wanna ditch Canva.

Luna Logic:

What? Fonts,

Ben Binary:

colors, you name it. Yeah. The kicker. Images directly in your forms.

Luna Logic:

Oh, wow.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So brand consistency just got a whole lot sexier.

Luna Logic:

Hold on. This is no longer just about function.

Ben Binary:

No. It's not.

Luna Logic:

It's about vibes.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. It's a whole package.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's about experience.

Luna Logic:

We're aligning our forms with our brand's aesthetic, making sure every touch point feels polished.

Ben Binary:

It's huge.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. I like where this is going.

Ben Binary:

It's the future.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

This this is good.

Ben Binary:

And we're just getting started.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Remember how we talked about personalized journeys? Yeah. Conditional logic takes it to the next level.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It makes your forms responsive to each individual visitor.

Luna Logic:

Okay. Before we dive into the nitty gritty of that, sure, I need a moment to process.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. That works a lot.

Luna Logic:

Images and forms, personalized redirects. This feels like a whole new world.

Ben Binary:

It really is. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

Okay. I've had my coffee break. So let's talk conditional logic.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

This is where we make those forms seriously smart. Right?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So imagine this. Someone's on your site. Yeah. And, they're interested in, say, your social media marketing services.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

They hit a form. Right. And boom. Based on their previous actions on your site, maybe they downloaded an ebook on Instagram strategy. Better.

Ben Binary:

The form automatically asks if they want a free Instagram audit.

Luna Logic:

Oh, wow.

Ben Binary:

So no more generic questions. It's all hyper relevant to what they need.

Luna Logic:

Okay. I'm seeing dollar signs already.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

We're not just collecting leads anymore.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

We're qualifying them right then and there in real time.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But how granular can we get with this logic?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

What's the limit?

Ben Binary:

Well, HubSpot's giving you the keys to a pretty powerful engine here. You can set up to 30 rules perform, each with up to 10 conditions. Oh, wow. So let's say you wanna target leads who download a specific ebook a and d live in California.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Right. You can

Luna Logic:

do that. Oh, wow. Okay.

Ben Binary:

Or maybe you wanna show a different thank you message based on their answers, segmenting them right off the bat. Right. The possibilities are honestly pretty huge.

Luna Logic:

This is giving me flashbacks to those choose your own adventure books.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But for lead generation

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Exactly.

Luna Logic:

I'm picking up what you're putting down.

Ben Binary:

It's powerful.

Luna Logic:

But before we get too lost in the tech weeds

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

What does all this mean strategically?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. So this isn't just about shiny new bubbles and features. Right. It's about bridging the gap between really knowing your audience Mhmm. And then giving them exactly what they want exactly when they want it.

Ben Binary:

HubSpot has basically handed us the tools to build deeper relationships from that very first interaction.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

No more one size fits all.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's all about personalization at scale now.

Luna Logic:

And we all know personalization equals engagement. Exactly. Which equals conversion.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

It's a beautiful cycle.

Ben Binary:

That's it. The dream.

Luna Logic:

But with all this power, where does a marketer even begin?

Ben Binary:

Start with your goals.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Just like any good campaign. What are you really trying to achieve? Yep. More demos booked.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

White paper downloads.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Feedback surveys completed.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Once you know what you're after, then these features just become your toolbox.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Don't be afraid to test different approaches.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

See what resonates with your audience and iterate from there.

Luna Logic:

HubSpot's known for its data driven approach, and I'm guessing these new forms play nicely with that.

Ben Binary:

Oh, yeah. For sure. Okay. This isn't just about collecting data.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's about understanding it.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Track those conversion rates, AB test different versions of your forms, and then you can use those insights to just continuously improve.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

HubSpot's even got built in analytics to help you visualize how people are interacting with your forms.

Luna Logic:

This feels like a gold mine for optimization.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Oh, yeah. For sure.

Luna Logic:

But let's shift gears for a second.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

We've talked tech. We've talked strategy.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

What about the human element?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. You hit on something crucial.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Think about those old school forms.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

They felt impersonal, almost robotic.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But these new features

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

When used correctly, can actually make the experience more human. Yeah. We're talking about having a conversation now.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Understanding each visitor's unique needs and interests.

Luna Logic:

So it's not just about making forms more user friendly. No. It's about making them more, well, human friendly.

Ben Binary:

Precisely. We're tapping into psychology here. Wow. By using conditional logic and multistep forms, you're creating a sense of intrigue. Okay.

Ben Binary:

Rewarding visitors for engaging with your content.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's subtle, but it makes a world of difference.

Luna Logic:

It's gamifying the experience Yep. In a way that feels natural and unobtrusive.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And when people enjoy the experience

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

They're more likely to provide accurate information.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Which brings us to another important aspect, lead qualification.

Luna Logic:

That's the holy grail, isn't it?

Ben Binary:

It is.

Luna Logic:

No more sifting through unqualified leads hoping to strike gold.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. By using conditional logic to ask targeted questions

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

You're gathering really valuable insights into their pain points, their level of interest, even their budget. Right. This is data you can actually use to prioritize leads, personalize your follow-up, and ultimately close more

Luna Logic:

deals. It's about working smarter, not harder.

Ben Binary:

There you go.

Luna Logic:

And with HubSpot CRM integration Mhmm. All this valuable lead data is just a click away.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Seamless.

Luna Logic:

Sales teams must be rejoicing.

Ben Binary:

I hope so. Okay. Yeah. This is what they've been asking for. Yeah.

Ben Binary:

This is about aligning marketing and sales, creating a seamless handoff from that initial form submission

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

To a closed deal.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But it all starts with a well designed, engaging form.

Luna Logic:

It's like laying the foundation for a strong, lasting relationship.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

We're not just collecting data.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

We're building trust and establishing ourselves as thought leaders in the process. Huge. But before before we get carried away with matchmaking dreams

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

There's still one crucial aspect we haven't touched on the settings.

Ben Binary:

Oh, right.

Luna Logic:

I know. I know. Important. It's not as sexy as talking about AI and personalized journeys.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But trust me, this is where the magic really happens.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. You're right.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Don't let the unassuming name fool you. The settings section is a treasure trove of often overlooked but incredibly powerful tools.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

We're talking about fine tuning your forms to ensure they're not just aesthetically pleasing and user friendly

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But also working hard behind the scenes to keep your data clean

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Your processes efficient And it and your leads flowing smoothly.

Luna Logic:

It's like the behind the scenes crew of a blockbuster movie

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Exactly. Essential for a flawless production.

Ben Binary:

That's a great analogy.

Luna Logic:

Even if they don't get the same fanfare as the stars.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So let's shine a light on these unsung heroes.

Ben Binary:

I like it.

Luna Logic:

What hidden gems are lurking in the settings panel that our listeners need to know about?

Ben Binary:

Let's do it.

Luna Logic:

K. Settings. Deep dive time.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Let's go.

Luna Logic:

Give me the highlights reel.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

What should I be geeking out over in this this usually overlooked part of form building?

Ben Binary:

One word, prepopulation. Okay. It sounds simple.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But trust me, it's a game changer.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

HubSpot can now actually recognize returning visitors to your site. Oh, wow. And auto fill fields for them, like their name and their email. Okay. Small detail, but it makes a huge difference in user experience.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Saves them time. Yeah. Saves them frustration. Happy visitors are much more likely to turn into leads ring.

Luna Logic:

Okay. That one's definitely going on my must use list.

Ben Binary:

Got it.

Luna Logic:

It's like HubSpot's giving our leads a warm welcome back hug.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Okay. What about

Luna Logic:

keeping our data squeaky clean? Oh, yeah.

Ben Binary:

Any hidden

Luna Logic:

gems for that? Absolutely. There's a little checkbox in

Ben Binary:

the settings.

Luna Logic:

Okay. The pack's a

Ben Binary:

powerful punch. What is it? Always create contact for new email address.

Luna Logic:

Oh, okay.

Ben Binary:

This ensures that every new email submitted through your forms

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Creates a fresh contact record

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Which prevents duplicates and keeps your database nice and tidy.

Luna Logic:

Hallelujah. Right. A clean database is a happy marketer's best friend.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

No more wrestling with duplicate entries.

Ben Binary:

The worst.

Luna Logic:

Now you mentioned something earlier about life cycle stages.

Ben Binary:

Oh, yeah. This cool. Directly from your form settings

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

You can now assign a life cycle stage to every new lead that comes in.

Luna Logic:

Oh, wow. Okay.

Ben Binary:

This means they'll be instantly routed to the correct stage in your funnel Right. Whether they're brand new

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Or maybe they're already a marketing qualified lead.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's all about that automation

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And ensuring just a smooth personalized journey for each and every one of your leads.

Luna Logic:

Efficiency and personalization?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

2 of my favorite words.

Ben Binary:

There you go.

Luna Logic:

HubSpot really thought of everything with this update.

Ben Binary:

They did.

Luna Logic:

It's like they snuck into every marketer's brain and said Alright. What do you need? Right. And how can we make it even better?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But before we send our listeners off to explore the wonders of HubSpot's new forms editor

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

I wanna circle back to something you said earlier.

Ben Binary:

Okay. About the future of forms. Yeah. You said forms aren't going anywhere.

Luna Logic:

They're not going anywhere.

Ben Binary:

But they are evolving.

Luna Logic:

They're definitely evolving. Okay. Forms are becoming less about just bland data collection

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And more about these interactive experiences Okay. Conversational forms

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

AI powered personalization

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Even interactive elements that engage users on a whole new level.

Ben Binary:

So it's almost like that line between a form and, say, like, a micro quiz or a personalized assessment. It's starting to blur a little bit.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. It's getting a lot more exciting.

Ben Binary:

That's pretty exciting.

Luna Logic:

It is. Right. This is the fun stuff.

Ben Binary:

The future of forms is all about creating experiences that are as enjoyable as they are effective.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And tools like HubSpot's new forms editor are giving us a glimpse of what's possible. They really are. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

Okay. It's enough to make you wanna throw a party for your forms.

Ben Binary:

I know. Right?

Luna Logic:

Alright. As we wrap up this deep dive Yeah. Any final words of wisdom for our listeners?

Ben Binary:

Embrace the power of experimentation.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

HubSpot has given us an incredible toolkit.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Don't be afraid to try new things. Right. Test different approaches.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And just let your creativity run wild. Right. The most effective forms are those tailored to your unique audience and brand.

Luna Logic:

Beautifully said.

Ben Binary:

Thank you.

Luna Logic:

It's time to ditch those tired generic forms.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Get rid of them.

Luna Logic:

And embrace a world of personalized, engaging, and, dare I say, fun experiences.

Ben Binary:

Let's do it.

Luna Logic:

This has been an incredible deep dive. I've so much.

Ben Binary:

Me too. Always.

Luna Logic:

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the exciting new world of HubSpot's forms editor.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Thanks for having me.

Luna Logic:

Until next time. Happy form building.

Ben Binary:

See you later.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.