HubSpot Update: Estimated Email Size in Marketing Email Editor

HubSpot Update: Estimated Email Size in Marketing Email Editor

Luna Logic:

Ever get that feeling? You know, like, you poured your heart and soul into crafting the perfect marketing email. Yeah. But it's like it vanishes into the void. Nobody's clicking.

Luna Logic:

Nobody's converting. It's like you're shouting into a black hole.

Ben Binary:

It's the worst. You check those open rates and got crickets.

Luna Logic:

Right. Well, get this. Today's deep dive is all about a surprising culprit that might be sabotaging your emails, size.

Ben Binary:

Size. I know. Right?

Luna Logic:

You wouldn't think it would be such a big deal in the digital world, but we're diving deep into HubSpot's latest update. And trust me, after this, you'll understand why email size is a huge e deal in the fight against, get this, client clipping.

Ben Binary:

Okay. You've piqued my interest. Client clipping sounds a little intense.

Luna Logic:

It kinda is. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let's bring in the expert who can really break this down for us.

Ben Binary:

Happy to be here. You know, it never ceases to amaze me how often we marketers get so caught up in the creative side of email campaigns Mhmm. Crafting compelling copywriting, designing eye catching visuals that we completely overlook the technical nitty gritty.

Luna Logic:

And that's where email size comes in.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It's kinda like this. Imagine you've got this beautifully written, handcrafted letter. Right? You've sealed it with a kiss.

Ben Binary:

Well, maybe not literally. But you get the point.

Luna Logic:

Okay. I can picture it.

Ben Binary:

Now, you try to stuff this masterpiece into a tiny little mailbox that's already overflowing. What happens?

Luna Logic:

It doesn't fit.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. And that's essentially what happens with email clipping. Email inboxes, just like physical mailboxes, have limits. These limits are set by email providers. Mhmm.

Ben Binary:

You know, the big guys like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook. When an email exceeds that size limit, bam, it gets clipped.

Luna Logic:

Clipped. So what does that actually look like for the person receiving the email?

Ben Binary:

So imagine this. You open your inbox and you see an email, but it's cut off. There's a little link that says view entire message.

Luna Logic:

Oh, yeah. I've seen those before. Honestly, I rarely click them.

Ben Binary:

Right. And you're not alone. Most people won't bother clicking that link. It's an extra step. And who has time for extra steps in their day?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Especially when it comes to email. Our inboxes are already overflowing.

Luna Logic:

Totally. So if your email gets clipped

Ben Binary:

It's like setting a delicious 3 course meal in front of someone and then putting a giant curtain up right before the main course. Wait. What? All your hard work, your key message, your beautifully designed call to action, maybe even your brand story, it's all hidden behind that view entire message curtain. Poof.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So frustrating.

Ben Binary:

Tell me about it. And it gets even worse. A lot of email providers, they use size as a factor in their spam filters. So if you've got a hefty email packed with images and fancy code, it's more likely to trigger those spam filters.

Luna Logic:

So not only might your email get clipped, it might not even reach the inbox in the first place.

Ben Binary:

You got it. It's like those email providers are the bouncers at a club, and they're using size to decide who gets in.

Luna Logic:

And nobody wants to be stuck outside in the cold.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. But, hey, the good news is that there are tools that can help us marketers play the game smarter.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Tell me more about that. Like, HubSpot's new estimated email size feature. Right?

Ben Binary:

Bingo. That's the one. It's like having a heads up display right there in your email editor. So before you even hit send, you can see exactly how big your email is and whether you need to make some adjustments.

Luna Logic:

That's amazing. It's like having a little guardian angel looking over your shoulder saying, hey. Maybe swap out that massive image for something a bit more lightweight.

Ben Binary:

Right. Or, hey. Maybe clean up your code a bit. Nobody likes bloated code.

Luna Logic:

So it's not just about avoiding the spam folder. It's about the entire user experience. A huge email takes longer to load, especially on mobile devices. And let's face it, people are impatient.

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. We're living in a scroll and go world. If it doesn't load instantly, people are moving on.

Luna Logic:

So we've got to find that sweet spot between delivering, engaging, visually appealing emails, and keeping things lean and mean. Right.

Ben Binary:

And that's where things get really interesting because now we've got a factor in personalization. We all know that personalized content performs incredibly well.

Luna Logic:

But personalized content often means adding more content, which means a bigger email.

Ben Binary:

You hit the nail on the head. It's a delicate balancing act for sure.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So how do we balance personalization with keeping our emails streamlined and deliverable?

Ben Binary:

Well, thankfully, HubSpot has our backs here too. They've got another great feature called preview as a contact.

Luna Logic:

Okay. I've heard of this one, but honestly haven't really explored it. What's the deal with that?

Ben Binary:

So this feature lets you preview your email as a specific contact. It takes all their data, their past purchases, their preferences, everything you're using to personalize, and shows you what their version of the email will look like.

Luna Logic:

Oh, that's pretty cool. So I can see how adding in a personalized product recommendation for 1 person might not make a huge but if I'm including, like, an entire personalized shopping cart or something.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. That preview as a contact feature lets you see exactly how those personalization elements impact the overall size of your email. It's like trying on an outfit before you buy it, but for emails.

Luna Logic:

Love that analogy. I don't know about you, but I've definitely had some online shopping fails where the outfit that looked amazing on the model looked, well, not so amazing on me.

Ben Binary:

We've all been there. But with this feature, you can make sure your email outfit fits just right for every single subscriber.

Luna Logic:

This has been so eye opening. Who knew that size mattered so much in the digital world?

Ben Binary:

Right. It's not just about what you say in your emails, but also how big you say it.

Luna Logic:

Now here's something I want everyone listening to think about. Be honest with yourself. How often do you actually open those view entire message emails? Probably not that often. Right?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. No. I don't.

Luna Logic:

So keep that in mind as you optimize your email marketing strategies. Your audience is just like you. They're busy and bombarded with information. Make it easy for them to consume your message by keeping things concise, visually appealing, and, of of course

Ben Binary:

The right size.

Luna Logic:

You got it.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.