HubSpot Update: Estimated Email Size in Marketing Email Editor

HubSpot Update: Estimated Email Size in Marketing Email Editor

Marketing Email Size Optimization Update Briefing
Source: HubSpot Product Update Announcement - "Estimated Email Size in Marketing Email Editor" (October 22, 2024)
Key Theme: Improving email deliverability, engagement, and conversion rates by providing users with email size estimates and mitigating the risk of email clipping.
Important Ideas/Facts:
  • Email Size Impact: "Every Marketing Email has its size, which affects the way servers and inbox providers will handle its content. The size depends both on the HTML code (tables, text, links) and graphics embedded in the email."
  • Clipping Risk: "Large emails are more likely to encounter problems during its delivery, and HTML emails that exceed 102 KB are at risk of email providers like Gmail 'clipping' your email."
  • New Feature: The update introduces an "Estimated Size" feature in the top right corner of the HubSpot Marketing Email editor. This provides real-time insights into the email's size.
  • Detailed Breakdown: Clicking on "Estimated Size" opens a table indicating the risk of clipping and recommending actions to optimize size.
  • Personalized Email Consideration: "If your email contains any personalization, it is recommended to preview as a contact for the most accurate estimate as personalization will change the content of the Email, and therefore the size of the Email for each recipient."
  • Availability: This feature is available to all HubSpot users across all hubs and tiers.
Actionable Takeaways:
  • Marketers should be mindful of email size and aim to keep it below the 102 KB threshold to avoid clipping.
  • Utilize the new "Estimated Size" feature to monitor email size and optimize content as needed.
  • When using personalization, preview the email as a contact to obtain a more accurate size estimate.
Quote: "With this rollout, the Estimated Size of your Marketing Email will now be surfaced in the top right of the Email Editor, providing users with more visibility into their total email size and help reduce the impact of client clipping."

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