HubSpot Update: Mobile Chat SDK

HubSpot Update: Mobile Chat SDK

Luna Logic:

Alright, everyone. Get ready because today, we're really diving deep into something super interesting. Mhmm. It's all about how to make your mobile app customers really happy.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And that's customer support. Right?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And today, we're talking about something brand new from HubSpot, something they're rolling out.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. They just dropped it.

Luna Logic:

That could be a real game changer

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

For anyone out there who has a business and an app that goes with it.

Ben Binary:

For sure. That's So especially, I think, businesses that have, like, a heavy emphasis on, like, customer success customer support. Yeah. Like, if you are a SaaS company, this is definitely something to perk your ears up to.

Luna Logic:

Totally. Totally. So they're calling this the mobile chat SDK. Uh-huh. What what is that?

Luna Logic:

Break it down.

Ben Binary:

So SDK stands for software development kit.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And basically

Luna Logic:

A lot people are like, what does that even mean?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Like, what is that? Yeah. Basically, it's like HubSpot gives you, the developer, a way to, like, integrate all of the HubSpot features into your existing app.

Luna Logic:

Gotcha. So, like, building blocks, basically. Yeah.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. So they give you all the building blocks to make HubSpot work within your app.

Luna Logic:

And so, previously, what have companies been having to do?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. So, I mean, we've all been in an app. Yeah. Then we've needed some help. Right?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. And you click help, and then all of a sudden, you are Exactly. Like, on a web page somewhere.

Luna Logic:

Taken out of the app.

Ben Binary:

Or you're, like, emailing somebody.

Luna Logic:

In a browser window. Yeah.

Ben Binary:

Right. Yeah. You're like, how do I even get back to where I was?

Luna Logic:

It's so worse.

Ben Binary:

This makes it so that everything can be contained just within the app.

Luna Logic:

Seamless. I like it. Yeah. Okay.

Ben Binary:

Super seamless. Much better for the customer experience, I think.

Luna Logic:

For sure. Yeah. Okay. So it's not just like a chat box, though?

Ben Binary:

No. It's way more than a chat box.

Luna Logic:

Tell me more.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. So, like, with this SDK Yeah. You can build in things like knowledge bases.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So you can you know, if you ask question, it'll pop up with, like, maybe an article that will help you.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

You have bots that'll help you. Like, it's

Luna Logic:

All powered by the HubSpot stuff that you already have set up. Exactly. Well, that's really cool.

Ben Binary:

So you don't have to, like, reinvent the wheel. You can use all of the HubSpot stuff that you already have

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And manage it all from HubSpot, which is really nice.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So you don't have to, like, learn a whole new system or anything.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Got it. Yeah. So that's really slick because, you know, I'm thinking about being from, like, the user side of things. Mhmm. I'm on an app.

Luna Logic:

I'm trying to do something. I get stuck. Like, boom. Right there. It either answers my question for me automatically or, like, pulls up something that's relevant.

Ben Binary:

Or, like, routes you to the proper support person

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Who's available.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Super cool.

Ben Binary:

Instead of just, like, giving me a number to call or something.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. And like you were saying, it can it can, like, pull information about you as well, which is super cool.

Ben Binary:

That's huge. Yeah. What what kind of information are we talking here?

Luna Logic:

Yeah. So let's say you've contacted this company before.

Ben Binary:

They can have it all right there in front of them, like all your previous support tickets Oh, yeah. What kind of phone you're using, what version of the app you're on.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So you

Ben Binary:

don't have to, like, go through all that rigmarole of, like, explaining everything exactly.

Luna Logic:

Much smoother. Yeah.

Ben Binary:

It's more efficient for everyone involved.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. For sure.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

It's interesting how often we don't think about, like, how much time is wasted Totally. Just by, like, those simple things. Oh, yeah. Okay. Cool.

Ben Binary:

It's huge.

Luna Logic:

So this sounds amazing. This sounds great.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Every company should have this. What's the catch?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. So the biggest thing right now is that this is specifically for native iOS and Android apps.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So if you are a company who built their app Mhmm. Using, like, React Native or Flutter

Luna Logic:

What does that mean?

Ben Binary:

So, basically, those are just different ways to build your mobile app. Okay. It's not it's not compatible with those yet.

Luna Logic:

So if if you've built on that platform, you're kinda out of luck for the moment.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. I would imagine they're probably working on it.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But as of right now, it's iOS and Android only.

Luna Logic:

Oh, got it.

Ben Binary:

Native apps. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

That makes sense. That makes sense.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Now one cool thing that I saw that they're doing is, they've launched this dedicated Slack channel

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Just for the mobile chat SDK, which seems smart. Right?

Ben Binary:

That's really smart. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

Because this is a developer tool. Mhmm. You're gonna wanna have a place where you can, you know, troubleshoot and Sure. Chat with other people who are

Ben Binary:

using it. Yeah. It's gonna be, like, a really valuable resource, I would imagine Yeah. For people who are using this to be able to go in and and, you know, chat with other people who are doing the same thing, maybe having similar problems. They figured it out, or HubSpot can give them tips.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Stuff. So that's a really good idea.

Luna Logic:

I like that because it also gives a really

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Easy way to give feedback Totally. To HubSpot on the tool.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. And I I've always felt like HubSpot has been really good about listening to their developers

Luna Logic:

Yeah. For sure.

Ben Binary:

And actually making changes

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Based on that feedback. So

Luna Logic:

Okay. I like it.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. I think it's it's gonna be interesting to see where this goes and how it evolves.

Luna Logic:

It really seems like HubSpot is trying to be at the forefront of this whole, like, mobile customer support

Ben Binary:

I think so, for sure.

Luna Logic:

Revolution because it feels like it's gonna be less and less about websites

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

In the future.

Ben Binary:

Interesting. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

But, I mean, what's your take on

Ben Binary:

that? Yeah. I I think we're already there. Like, if you look at how much time people spend on their phones

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Versus on a desktop, like, I feel like for a lot of people, their phone is their primary

Luna Logic:

Totally agree.

Ben Binary:

Way to access the Internet. Yeah.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So this just makes sense.

Luna Logic:

For sure. For sure.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Okay. So we've gone from SDK, what's that, to, like, this could completely change how we interact with the apps.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. And, like, how we view customer support.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Like, I I feel like this is really gonna change the game there because it's no longer gonna be acceptable to have, like, crappy support.

Luna Logic:

It's true.

Ben Binary:

You know, especially in the mobile app.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Right.

Ben Binary:

Because this is this is gonna be the standard, I think.

Luna Logic:

And it's interesting you say that because, like, right now, I almost feel like Yeah. If I can get decent support on an app You're

Ben Binary:

like, oh, wow. This is amazing.

Luna Logic:

I'm like, oh, wow. Five stars. Right. But it sounds like what you're saying is that, like, going forward

Ben Binary:

Yeah. The expectation is gonna be The expectation will be there.

Luna Logic:

This is just, like, table stakes. Yeah. This is

Ben Binary:

is just, like, table stakes.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. This is just how it is. Exactly. Interesting. Very cool.

Luna Logic:

It's a future. Yeah. I like it.

Ben Binary:

Well, there you have

Luna Logic:

it. The mobile chat

Ben Binary:

SDK, HubSpot's newest tool. Check it out.

Luna Logic:

Could be a game changer. We'll see what happens. Thanks for listening, everybody.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Thanks for having me.

Luna Logic:

And we'll catch you next time.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.