HubSpot Update: Team Email Respects Team Never Log List

HubSpot Update: Team Email Respects Team Never Log List

HubSpot Product Update: Team Never Log List Expansion
This briefing document analyzes the impact of a recent HubSpot product update regarding the "Never Log" feature for email logging.
Key Changes:
  • Team Email Integration: The Never Log list, previously applicable only to individual HubSpot-connected email accounts, now extends to team-based email accounts like Conversations Inbox and Help Desk. This eliminates the previous inconsistency where the exclusion applied to personal but not team accounts.
  • Enhanced Privacy Control: This update empowers customers to prevent logging timeline activities for specific email recipients across all team-based email interactions. ("Product Update" source)
  • Super Admin Control: Users with Super Admin permissions can manage a global Never Log list within HubSpot's email logging settings. ("Exclude recipients from CRM email logging" source)
  • Blocking Mechanism: By adding email addresses or entire domains to the Never Log list, HubSpot will refrain from:
  • Logging incoming emails as CRM activities or creating new contacts from those addresses.
  • Generating activity entries for outgoing emails sent to addresses on the list.
  • Partial Logging: If an email thread includes recipients both on and off the list, HubSpot will only log activities for those not included. ("Exclude recipients from CRM email logging" source)
  • Limitations: The team Never Log list does not apply to email threads associated with:
  • Team email addresses.
  • Third-party integrations. ("Exclude recipients from CRM email logging" source)
  • Improved Data Hygiene: Prevents unnecessary clutter in the CRM by excluding irrelevant email communications.
  • Increased User Control: Provides greater control over which email interactions are tracked and reflected in HubSpot's activity log.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Allows businesses to honor requests from individuals who wish to have their email interactions with the team remain unlogged.
The "Exclude recipients from CRM email logging" source provides a step-by-step guide for both managing personal Never Log lists and the team-wide list accessible to Super Admins.
This update directly addresses customer confusion and requests for consistency in the application of the Never Log feature. It empowers businesses to maintain cleaner CRM data, improve user control, and better respect individual privacy preferences.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.