Deep Dive: What is Breeze?

Deep Dive: What is Breeze?

Ben Binary:

Alright. So today, we're diving into HubSpot's new AI suite, Breeze. Everyone is talking about AI these days, but we're going beyond the hype to see what this thing can actually do. Mhmm. We've got all the good straight from HubSpot, announcements, videos, articles, so we can really unpack what Breeze is all about.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. And that's key. Right? Because HubSpot's making a big claim here. They're saying Breeze is that bridge between the AI everyone's excited about and the AI that actually fits into your workflow that you can actually use.

Ben Binary:

Because it's one thing to have an AI that can write you a poem. It's a whole other thing when it needs to manage contacts or close deals.

Luna Logic:

Totally. And HubSpot gets that most businesses aren't trying to become AI experts overnight. Right? They just want results without having to climb a huge learning curve. So Breeze is built on this idea of being super integrated with the HubSpot platform you're already using, getting you those results fast.

Ben Binary:

Got it. So Breeze isn't just one thing. It's this whole suite of AI tools. Right? How's it all break down?

Luna Logic:

Think of it as 3 main pillars. You've got Copilot, which is like your always on AI assistant. Then you've got agents. Those are more like specialized AI teams for different tasks. And then finally, there's Breeze Intelligence that's like the brains behind the whole operation.

Ben Binary:

So it's like having this whole crew of AI working for you, each with their own specialty.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. No more jumping between a 1000000 different tools. With Breeze, it's all connected, all within HubSpot.

Ben Binary:

Okay. I could see how that alone would be a game changer for a lot of people. No more tool fatigue. So let's unpack this, starting with Copilot. This one sounds like it could be my new best friend.

Ben Binary:

Give me the rundown.

Luna Logic:

Imagine that super efficient intern who's always by your side, ready to pull up info, draft emails, even analyze data on the fly that's Copilot. It lives right inside HubSpot, your CRM, your content tools, even your mobile app. And it's always learning from your data to be even more helpful as you use it.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So paint me a picture here. I'm on a sales call. I need info on a client fast. How does Copilot actually help me in that moment?

Luna Logic:

Say a prospect asks about, I don't know, your pricing tiers. Instead of scrambling to find that info yourself, you can just quickly ask Copilot, and bam, it pulls up the right knowledge base article right there in HubSpot.

Ben Binary:

So it's not just finding any article. It's finding the right article at the exact moment I need it. That's huge.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Or think about drafting a quick email or signaling a social media post. Copilot's right there to help you refine your message, adjust the tone, even personalize it based on who you're talking to.

Ben Binary:

It's like having a superpowered editor on call 247. Okay. But I know some people listening here thinking, this copilot sounds great, but is it gonna steal my job? What would you say to that?

Luna Logic:

It's a fair question. But HubSpot's very clear that Breeze, especially Copilot, is all about making you better at your job, not replacing you. It's a tool, like a really, really advanced calculator. It heavy lifting, but you still need to provide the strategy, the creativity that human touch that AI can't replicate. Right.

Luna Logic:

It's about that synergy. Right? Human intelligence working with artificial intelligence. Working smarter, not

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Exactly. Copilot takes care of those tedious tasks that eat up your time and mental energy so you can focus on the high level work that actually moves the needle for your business.

Ben Binary:

I love it. Okay. So that's Copilot, the always on AI sidekick. Now let's talk about agents. This sounds even more autonomous.

Ben Binary:

Are we talking full on AI taking the reins here?

Luna Logic:

In a way, yeah. Agents take things a step further. They're designed to automate entire workflows, like having a dedicated team of AI specialists for different parts of your business.

Ben Binary:

So we're talking specialized AI for social media, content creation, customer support. It's like having a whole team of AI experts working for you around the clock.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. You've got a social media agent, a content agent, a customer service agent, even a prospecting agent, each one with a deep understanding of its specific area.

Ben Binary:

Okay. Back up a second. Did you just say content agent? What exactly can an AI do when it comes to content? We're talking about writing here.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

This is where things get really interesting. We're talking everything. Blog posts, website copy, even ideas for your next video series.

Ben Binary:

Hold on. Really? Like, full blown articles and scripts?

Luna Logic:

It's wild. Right. And what's really cool is that it's not just spitting out generic content. It analyzes your existing content, your blog post, your website, even your brand voice guidelines, and creates stuff that actually sounds like you. So it's not

Ben Binary:

just churning out content for the sake of content. It's actually aligned with my brand. K. That's huge.

Luna Logic:

It's taking a lot of the guesswork out of content creation. Imagine, you need a case study to showcase a recent customer success story. Right? Instead of digging through old emails and notes, you feed the content agent the basic information, and it pulls relevant data from your CRM, analyzes it, and generates a polished draft, complete with data points, customer quotes.

Ben Binary:

Okay. That's impressive. So it's not just spitting out generic content. It's actually pulling from my unique data and experiences to create something tailored to my business.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And because it's plugged into your HubSpot account, it understands your brand voice, your target audience, even the topics that resonate most with your readers. It's like having an AI content strategist on your team.

Ben Binary:

Okay. I'm intrigued. Let's talk more about these agents, especially this content creating one because that's a game changer if it works as promised.

Luna Logic:

It has huge GE potential.

Ben Binary:

But before we go deeper on those AI agents, I think it's worth pausing for a second and addressing the elephant in the room when we talk about AI in business.

Luna Logic:

You mean the data privacy question?

Ben Binary:

Exactly. We're giving these AI tools access to our HubSpot accounts, our customer data. What's HubSpot doing to make sure all that information stays safe and secure?

Luna Logic:

It's a big concern for sure. And to their credit, HubSpot is addressing it head on. They're really emphasizing that with Breeze, your data is your data, period. They're not using it to train their AI models on some general pool of information, and they're very upfront about how it's used and protected.

Ben Binary:

Okay. Break that down for me because AI and data privacy can feel like a bit of a black box. What does it actually mean that they're not using customer data to train Breeze?

Luna Logic:

So think about how AI learns. Right? It needs massive amounts of data to understand patterns and make predictions. But where that data comes from is key. HubSpot's using publicly available information to train Breeze's core functions, things like language patterns for writing, general business trends, that sort of thing.

Ben Binary:

So they're not taking all of our CRM data, our customer interactions, our internal documents, and dumping it into some giant AI melting pot to make Breeze smarter.

Luna Logic:

Not at all. That's a big distinction they're making. The data used to train Breeze's general abilities is completely separate from the data it accesses within your HubSpot account to actually do the work you ask of it.

Ben Binary:

Okay. That makes sense. But let's be real. These AI tools do need access to some of our data to function. Right?

Ben Binary:

The prospecting agent, for instance, can't personalize outreach if it doesn't know who our target customers are.

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. But HubSpot's emphasizing that this access is always secure, it's permission based, and it's transparent. Each tool within Breeze is very clear about what data it needs and why. And you have control over your data privacy settings so you can adjust what information each tool can access.

Ben Binary:

So it's not like they're just siphoning off our data in the background without us knowing?

Luna Logic:

No way. They're very upfront about it, and they give you the control to decide what you're comfortable sharing. Plus, they're compliant with all the major data privacy regulations, which is always reassuring.

Ben Binary:

Okay. Good to know. But, you know, security is only one piece of the puzzle. Right? There's also the ethical side of using AI, which is a whole other can of worms.

Ben Binary:

Are they addressing that at all?

Luna Logic:

They are. HubSpot acknowledges that AI comes with these ethical considerations, and they've talked about being committed to responsible development and deployment.

Ben Binary:

So it's not just about building cool tech. It's about thinking through the potential consequences and making sure it's used ethically.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And this is a conversation that's going to continue evolving as AI becomes more and more sophisticated. But for now, it seems like HubSpot's taking steps in the right direction.

Ben Binary:

Okay. Well, that's definitely a relief to hear. Yeah. Alright. So we've addressed the data privacy and security piece, which is huge.

Ben Binary:

Now, can we finally get back to those AI agents you're teasing? Because last we left off, you were about to blow my mind with all the things this content agent can do, and we all know content is king, so I need to hear more.

Luna Logic:

You got it. You're telling me. It's like having a content team at your fingertips ready to go. We talked about those case studies, but this thing can handle blog posts, website copy, even scripts for videos. You ready for this?

Ben Binary:

Get me.

Luna Logic:

Entire podcast episodes.

Ben Binary:

Wait. Hold on. Podcasts? Like, it can actually spit out a whole episode with topics, talking points, the works.

Luna Logic:

Wild. Right? And it gets even better. It doesn't just create generic bland content.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

It looks at your existing work, your blog posts, website, even brand guidelines if you've got them, creates content that sounds like you.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So it's not just a matter of getting content out there. It's about the right content. Yeah. Content that's actually aligned with my brand, my audience.

Ben Binary:

That's the difference.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Takes the guesswork out of it.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Imagine you need a blog post. Right? Something about, say, the future of ecommerce.

Ben Binary:

Okay. Everyone's talking about that.

Luna Logic:

You give the content agent that topic, and boom. It generates a whole series of posts for you. SEO optimization, image suggestions, all based on what's already working.

Ben Binary:

That's amazing. Like, having a brainstorming partner who can also, you know, actually write the thing. But we can't forget about the other agents. What about that prospecting agent? If this AI can take the pain out of sales outreach, I'm all ears.

Luna Logic:

Right. Cold outreach, nobody's favorite. But what if instead of those generic emails, you had AI that actually researches each prospect, looks at what they're doing online, and then writes a message just for them?

Ben Binary:

Okay. Yeah. That's way better than my current system, which is basically just hoping for the best.

Luna Logic:

Right. This prospecting agent, it digs deep. Company news, job postings, social media, all to find those leads that are showing buying intent.

Ben Binary:

Buying intent. I hear that term a lot, but, honestly, I'm not always sure what it really means. It's different from just, like, someone visiting my website. Right?

Luna Logic:

Huge difference. Usually, you only know someone's interested if they fill out a form, download something. Buyer intent, it uses AI to go deeper, analyze tons of data to see who's actively researching right now even if they haven't interacted with your brand yet.

Ben Binary:

So it's like knowing who's gonna be interested before they even know it themselves.

Luna Logic:

Kind of. It's like having a 6th sense for those high potential leads. And because it's tied into HubSpot, you can use those insights to reach out at exactly the right time with the right message.

Ben Binary:

So instead of some random cold email, they get something that actually matters to them right when they're thinking about it.

Luna Logic:

Way more effective. Nobody wants another generic sales pitch these days. It's about cutting through the noise, being relevant.

Ben Binary:

Totally. Quality over quantity. Making every interaction count. Okay. I get it.

Ben Binary:

This is huge. But I gotta be honest. It's a lot to wrap my head around.

Luna Logic:

It's a lot for sure. But the good news is HubSpot's designed Breeze to be easy to use even if you're not super techie.

Ben Binary:

That's always good to hear. So what I'm hearing is Breeze isn't just about these individual tools. It's a whole new way of thinking about how businesses can use AI. Work smarter, not harder. Right?

Luna Logic:

A 100%. It's about bringing together automation, personalization, making those data driven decisions all in one place.

Ben Binary:

It's like having this secret weapon. Right? Yeah. Giving you an edge in today's crazy business world.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And that actually brings us to the brains behind it all, Breeze Intelligence. We've mentioned it a few times, but it's time to really dig in.

Ben Binary:

Let's do it. I'm ready to see what's going on under the hood.

Luna Logic:

Breeze Intelligence, it's constantly learning. Using these advanced algorithms to look at data, find patterns, make predictions about everything from customer behavior to market trends.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So that's how it works in theory, but what does that actually look like in the real world? How does Breeze Intelligence affect my business?

Luna Logic:

Let's go back to those personalized outreach messages. You know, the prospecting agent identifying those leads, showing buyer intent.

Ben Binary:

Right. Like, knowing someone's ready to buy software before they even know it themselves, it's like magic.

Luna Logic:

It's pretty close. That's Breeze Intelligence at work. It's constantly scanning the web, analyzing billions of data points, news articles, social media, industry reports, even job postings, looking for signals that suggest a high likelihood of purchase intent.

Ben Binary:

So it's not just seeing who visits my website. It's understanding their behavior, what they're reading, what they're sharing, what they're talking about.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And it connects the dots to your specific business, looking for companies that match your ideal customer profile and are showing interest in what you offer.

Ben Binary:

Okay. That's powerful stuff. It's like having a whole team of market research analysts working around the clock, except it's just there in your HubSpot account. Yeah. No expensive consulting fees.

Luna Logic:

Right. And the best part is it doesn't stop there. Breeze Intelligence also helps you create smarter content by understanding which topics resonate, what questions your audience is asking, and what content formats perform best in your industry.

Ben Binary:

So it's about quality content, not just quantity. Content that's tailored to what your audience actually wants.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. No more guessing games with your content strategy. Breeze Intelligence gives you data driven insights to make informed decisions and get better results.

Ben Binary:

This is all starting to make sense now. It's like Breeze Intelligence is the conductor of an orchestra, making sure all the different parts are working together in perfect harmony.

Luna Logic:

I love that analogy. It really is about how all these different elements work together seamlessly.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It's an interconnected ecosystem where everything's talking to each other, learning, adapting in real time. And at the center of it all is Breeze Intelligence, ensuring every action you take is data driven and optimized for maximum impact.

Luna Logic:

It's an exciting vision for the future of business, wouldn't you say?

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. But as with any powerful tool, AI is not a magic bullet. It's not gonna solve all our problems overnight, and it still needs us humans, our creativity, our strategic thinking to really make it shine.

Luna Logic:

Couldn't agree more. It's a partnership. AI can handle the heavy lifting, the data analysis, the repetitive tasks, but we still need to ask the right questions, make the tough decisions, and bring that human element to the table.

Ben Binary:

So for our listeners out there who are considering Breeze or other AI powered tools, remember, finding the right balance between human ingenuity and artificial intelligence is key.

Luna Logic:

Embrace the power of technology, absolutely. But don't lose sight of what makes us human.

Ben Binary:

On that note, we'll leave you with this. In this new era of AI powered business, the most successful companies won't be the ones with the most advanced tech. It's gonna be the ones who know how to use it to empower their teams, connect with their customers, and make a real difference. Thanks for joining us on this deep dive into HubSpot's Breeze AI Suite.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.