Contact Search for Outbound Dialer HubSpot Update

Contact Search for Outbound Dialer HubSpot Update

Luna Logic:

Okay. So have you ever, like, been about to make a call and then, you have to go hunt down a phone number?

Ben Binary:

Oh, tell me about it.

Luna Logic:

Right. It's the worst, but that's what we're diving into today.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Because HubSpot you know, HubSpot. Right?

Ben Binary:

Of course.

Luna Logic:

They actually just solved this with their outbound dialer with a really, I think, clever update. And even though it seems small, it actually is a pretty big deal when we're talking about, like, sales and service, you know, efficiency and just getting things done.

Ben Binary:

It's funny because it is something we all deal with. Right? I mean, every time you have to pick up the phone and make a call and you go, hold on a second. I gotta go find their number or whatever it might be. It's like, oh, come on.

Luna Logic:

So true.

Ben Binary:

That little, like, friction point.

Luna Logic:

Totally. So no more toggling between screens. Basically, that's what it is. Right?

Ben Binary:

Exactly. So the idea is you're in the dialer. You're ready to go. You're about to connect with somebody, but you need to just, like, double check something, the name of their company. Then you can search for that right there without having to leave the dialer.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. And it's not just company name. It's name. It's email address. It's phone number.

Ben Binary:

Like, whatever you might need to search for.

Luna Logic:

Which in sales, every second counts.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Yeah. You can shave off even a couple of seconds here and there by having this little thing, you know, it all adds up.

Ben Binary:

Totally. It's funny. We were just talking about this the other day. I think this is part of a larger movement in the sauce world

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Towards, like, frictionless selling or whatever you wanna call it. Yeah. I'm a little bit The idea is, like, how do you just make it so easy that it just, like, removes all the obstacles in the way? And you focus on actually building relationships and closing deals, not on, like, you know, trying to click around and find the right button.

Luna Logic:

And the best part is HubSpot's already on top of it, automatically logging your calls, and putting them with the contact in your CRM. So that's one less thing you have to do.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. That's always the best. Right? You're like, wait. This is just happening automatically in the background.

Ben Binary:

I don't even have to, like it's like magic.

Luna Logic:

It's like having a little assistant

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

That does all that for you. So this isn't just for 1 or 2 plans. This is for a lot of the HubSpot tiers, the professional customer platform, enterprise customer platform, sales pro, sales enterprise, service pro, and service enterprise.

Ben Binary:

It's cool because it shows that they're trying to provide value across the board there.

Luna Logic:

That Right.

Ben Binary:

They're not just like, oh, you want this one little feature? You gotta, like, upgrade to our top tier plan Totally. Which I think is important.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

I think that speaks to kind of their values.

Luna Logic:

So I have a question for you listening right now. How much time do you think that you could save realistically if you had this one little thing in your workflow?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Is it 5 minutes? Is it 10 minutes? Because if you think about it, that's time you could be using to actually do things that are gonna push the needle forward in your business.

Ben Binary:

I was just thinking that. I was like, instead of hunting for that number Yeah. Like, what could you be doing? Right? It makes you realize how many of these little inefficiencies are just kinda built into our day to day Right.

Ben Binary:

And we don't even realize it.

Luna Logic:

It's like death by a 1,000 paper cuts.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

All these little things that you're like, if only I didn't have to do this. Well, now you don't.

Ben Binary:

There you go.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.