New order and cart-based workflow templates available HubSpot Update

New order and cart-based workflow templates available HubSpot Update

Ben Binary:

Ever feel like you're constantly, like, chasing after those customers online?

Luna Logic:

Ew. Absolutely. It's like they're slipping through your fingers sometimes, especially in the whole ecommerce game. Right?

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Yeah. And that's what we're diving into today. We're taking a deep dive into HubSpot. HubSpot, they've got these new ecommerce workflow templates, and they sound like a game changer.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. They really do.

Ben Binary:

So we're looking specifically at their September 10th announcement. It's all about, you know, new order and cart based workflow templates, which sounds a little jargony.

Luna Logic:

But That's a mouthful.

Ben Binary:

It is a mouthful. But, essentially, it's about how to keep those customers engaged, how to stop them from abandoning those carts. You know the deal.

Luna Logic:

Oh, yeah. We've all been there.

Ben Binary:

So HubSpot has released these 3 kind of, like, hero templates, the ecommerce welcome workflow, the abandoned cart workflow, which I think we can all relate to

Luna Logic:

Yes, sir.

Ben Binary:

And the reengagement workflow. So let's break those down a little bit. Starting with the ecommerce welcome workflow, it seems pretty straightforward. But what's the big deal here?

Luna Logic:

Well, you know, first impressions are everything. Right?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And in the online world, that first email, that welcome email, that's your chance to make a lasting impression. Yeah. So it's more than just, like, email, that's your chance to make a lasting

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Yeah. So it's more than just, like, hey, thanks for the order. It's really

Ben Binary:

about making that customer feel valued. Exactly. You wanna kind of, like, draw them

Luna Logic:

into your brand's world. Maybe offer them a little something special,

Ben Binary:

like A discount code.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Or even just some helpful tips related to their purchase.

Ben Binary:

I like that. Okay. Now let's talk about the abandoned cart workflow because let's be real. We've all done it.

Luna Logic:

Oh, yeah.

Ben Binary:

We put stuff in our cart, and then life happens. We get distracted.

Luna Logic:

Distractions are everywhere online.

Ben Binary:

They really are. So how does this workflow actually help bring those customers back?

Luna Logic:

Well, it's all about those well timed reminders. And and HubSpot, like, they've built in this really cool feature where you can automatically include a coupon code in that reminder email.

Ben Binary:

Oh, sneaky. So it's like, come back. We miss you, and here's a little something to sweeten the deal.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Creates a sense of urgency. It makes them feel like they're, you know, missing out if they don't jump back in.

Ben Binary:

Okay. That makes a lot of sense. Now the last one, the reengagement workflow. This one seems a little maybe less urgent. Talk to me about that one.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. So this one's all about those customers who you know, maybe they haven't purchased from you in a while, maybe 90 days or more. And, you know, you don't wanna bombard them, but you also don't want them to forget about you.

Ben Binary:

Right. You wanna stay top of mind.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. So this workflow lets you automatically send them targeted messages, maybe showcase your newest products or share some valuable content.

Ben Binary:

I see. It's all about nurturing those relationships even when they're not actively buying. Okay. So let's get practical. Someone's listening to this right now.

Ben Binary:

They're, like, this sounds great. How do I actually set this up?

Luna Logic:

So first things first, you've gotta have your trusty HubSpot portal fired up. You know, that's your central command for all things HubSpot. And then it's actually super straightforward. You just head over to the workflow section, click on create workflows, and then boom, you'll see this magical option from template.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So basically like prebuilt workflows.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And that's where you'll find those 3 ecommerce gems we've been talking about. Ecommerce, welcome, abandoned cart, reengagement, all ready for you to customize.

Ben Binary:

Customize. That's a keyword because these aren't just, like, set it and forget it solutions.

Luna Logic:

Oh, absolutely not. You can tweak them. You can add your own personal touch. Maybe throw in some of your brand's lingo.

Ben Binary:

Right. Make it sound human. Make it sound like you.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. The possibilities are well, they're pretty much endless.

Ben Binary:

So you're basically saying take these templates and build your own ecommerce dream castle.

Luna Logic:

There you go. That's the beauty of it. And, you know, it gets me thinking as technology gets even more sophisticated, who knows what's next? Maybe we'll have workflows that predict customer needs before they even know what they want.

Ben Binary:

Woah. Predictive ecommerce. That's kinda mind blowing.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

That's seriously next level. Well, on that note, thank you so much for taking this deep dive with me.

Luna Logic:

That was fun.

Ben Binary:

It was super insightful. Until next time, everyone.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.