Essential Apps for Sales Hub 2024

Essential Apps for Sales Hub 2024

Luna Logic:

Hey, everyone. Welcome back. You know, I'm always trying to get a leg up in sales, always looking for that tech advantage, and I bet you are too.

Ben Binary:

Of course. Who isn't these days?

Luna Logic:

Right. So that's what we're diving into today. HubSpot just released this list, essential apps for Sales Hub 2024, and we're gonna break it all down.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. This isn't just some random app list. I mean, HubSpot really dug deep here. You know? They use a ton of data to figure out which apps are actually moving the needle for sales teams.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Like, they gift wrapped a shortcut to a killer sales tech stack.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But, before we get all wrapped up in the excitement of it all, let's back up for a sec. Why is a connected tech stack so important these days?

Ben Binary:

Well, think about it.

Luna Logic:

Why not just stick with our spreadsheets?

Ben Binary:

Some people try. Believe me.

Luna Logic:

They do.

Ben Binary:

But, honestly, buyers today, they expect you to be on top of your game. They want a seamless experience, personalized, you know, and they're used to instant information, slick websites, that kind of thing.

Luna Logic:

Oh, absolutely.

Ben Binary:

So if you're fumbling around with a bunch of disconnected tools, it just doesn't cut it anymore.

Luna Logic:

It makes total sense. So okay. How does this connected tech stack actually make that happen? How does it help?

Ben Binary:

It's all about breaking down those walls between your data. Okay. You've got customer info in your CRM. Mhmm. Then your email marketing data is probably somewhere else.

Ben Binary:

Maybe you've got sales call notes. Who knows where?

Luna Logic:

Yeah. All over the place.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. The connected tech stack pulls all that together. Gives you a clear view of each customer, where they came from, what they want.

Luna Logic:

K. So you're not digging through a 1000000 apps just to get the full picture of who you're talking to.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Yeah. And the best part is when your tools are talking to each other, you can automate a lot of those tedious little tasks

Luna Logic:

I like the sound of that.

Ben Binary:

Frees you up to focus on what really matters, selling and building those relationships.

Luna Logic:

Closing deals. Alright. You've sold me on the why. So what did HubSpot dig up? What'd they find?

Luna Logic:

What are the essentials?

Ben Binary:

They've got a really good mix. Big names, some newcomers you might not know. Aircall, for instance, is a game changer for streamlining calls and, you know, just making your sales team more productive.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Imagine all your call activity is synced up with HubSpot. You can see things like call duration, even sentiment analysis.

Luna Logic:

Based on sentiment analysis during the calls?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

How does that work?

Ben Binary:

AI magic. Right?

Luna Logic:

Oh, okay.

Ben Binary:

Aircall can analyze the tone, the actual content of your calls.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It can tell if a customer's engaged, maybe pick up on potential objection. Wow. It's like having a secret weapon.

Luna Logic:

It's like reading between the lines, but, like, in real time.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Okay. That's really cool. So it's more than just making calls. It's understanding what's happening on those calls. What else what else did HubSpot find?

Ben Binary:

Another one, Chili Piper. Yeah. It's all about scheduling meetings instantly and making sure your leads get routed to the right people. Okay. Think about it.

Ben Binary:

All that back and forth, trying to find a time that works for everyone.

Luna Logic:

No. The worst.

Ben Binary:

Chili Piper, like, eliminates all that.

Luna Logic:

Oh, I like it. I can already feel myself getting less stressed. Right. No more calendar Tetris. That's awesome that they tackle that.

Ben Binary:

Another one that's interesting is DealHub. So picture this. You're working on a deal in HubSpot.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And right there, bam, you have everything you need for CPQ. Right there, seamlessly integrated using these things called app cards.

Luna Logic:

App cards.

Ben Binary:

Yep. I'm

Luna Logic:

not sure I know what those are.

Ben Binary:

So think of it like a mini window. It pulls the functionality of another app right into HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

Oh, okay.

Ben Binary:

So with DealHub's app card, you can work on quotes, proposals, all that without ever leaving your HubSpot workflow.

Luna Logic:

Oh, wow. Okay.

Ben Binary:

Keeps everything nice and centralized.

Luna Logic:

That's really efficient, especially for these complex deals that have a 1,000,000 moving parts.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It

Luna Logic:

seems like HubSpot's really emphasizing this seamless connection we talked about earlier.

Ben Binary:

It's all about efficiency. Right?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Making the most of your time. And speaking of which, have you heard of Fathom AI Notetaker?

Luna Logic:

I have not.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So you're on a call, laser focused, taking in information, but then later, you realize you've completely forgotten some key detail.

Luna Logic:

Ugh. All the time. I feel like my brain just can't hold it all.

Ben Binary:

Right. Fathoms like having a sidekick who never misses a beat. It records, transcribes, and analyzes your calls, pulling out the most important insights. Then it creates these summaries that sync right to your contacts and deals in HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

Wait. It analyzes the calls too.

Ben Binary:

It does.

Luna Logic:

That's incredible. I mean, transcripts are great, but to have those those takeaways right there.

Ben Binary:

It's a game changer.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. That's next level.

Ben Binary:

And it can even identify things you might miss in the moment, like, if a prospect's tone changes or they keep bringing up the same objection.

Luna Logic:

Oh, that's really smart.

Ben Binary:

It's gold for coaching your team, refining your sales process, you know, that kind of thing.

Luna Logic:

So we're really talking about working smarter, not harder.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Speaking of which, let's talk about Gong.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Yeah. Gong's great. Sales leaders love this one.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's like, imagine being able to get inside the head of your top performers Right. During their calls, see what's working, and then, you know, share that with everyone on the team.

Luna Logic:

Yes. Scale those winning strategies. How does it actually do that?

Ben Binary:

It's all about what they call conversation intelligence.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So Gong records and transcribes everything like some of the other tools.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But it doesn't stop there. It goes deeper than the words. It looks at how long each person is talking, what phrases are landing well with customers. Yeah. Even things like, are they using confident language?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Or do they sound hesitant?

Luna Logic:

Wow. So you're picking up on all those little things you wouldn't catch otherwise.

Ben Binary:

That's amazing.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And the best part is you could use that data to coach your team. You know, really personalize how you train new people, even tweak your whole sales message.

Luna Logic:

Wow. So you're taking the guesswork out of what's working.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

I love it. Okay. So we've talked about some awesome stand alone apps. But what about integrations? Because HubSpot's known for playing well with others.

Ben Binary:

Right? Oh, for sure.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

I mean, their integrations, that might be their superpower.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

They've got all the big ones on the list starting with, you know, the classics, Gmail, Outlook.

Luna Logic:

Can't go wrong with those. But how do they actually help you close more deals? What's the connection there?

Ben Binary:

It's all about keeping everything flowing smoothly.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Every email you send or get, it automatically gets logged in HubSpot. Okay. No more manual entry. No more digging through your inbox trying to find something. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

Oh, music to my ears. I hate doing that. But it's more than just logging. Right.

Ben Binary:

You also get notified in HubSpot the second someone opens your email, clicks a link, all that.

Luna Logic:

Oh, okay.

Ben Binary:

So you can strike while the iron's hot. Right? Personalize your follow-up, close that deal.

Luna Logic:

Timing is everything.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Okay. What else what else is on their all star list?

Ben Binary:

Well, if you're selling to businesses

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

You've gotta have the LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's like having a direct line to, you know, the biggest network of professionals in the world.

Luna Logic:

Right. Right. But all within HubSpot.

Ben Binary:

All within HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

Okay. I'm curious. How does that actually work?

Ben Binary:

So say you're looking at a lead in HubSpot. Right?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Right next to their contact info, you see their entire LinkedIn profile.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Their experience, who they're connected to, what they're posting about, everything.

Luna Logic:

That's incredible. So you're getting all this context about who they are.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Because it's more than just a job title. Right? Right. You see their whole career story.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It helps you personalize your outreach, make it feel genuine, you know. Plus, you can use LinkedIn search tools, find new prospects, all without leaving HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

Again, work smarter, not harder. Okay. I gotta ask about the integration that I'm most curious about, Slack.

Ben Binary:

Of course.

Luna Logic:

The HubSpot and Slack integration.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. If your team practically lives on Slack, this is a must have. Manage your HubSpot tasks, get notifications, send messages, all without leaving Slack.

Luna Logic:

The dream. I love anything that keeps me in my flow. No more app switching. Okay. And then, of course, the Zoom integration.

Luna Logic:

Right? I mean, gotta have it these days.

Ben Binary:

Essential. Yeah. Especially with so much remote work and virtual selling.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Zoom's become the go to for everything. Everything. But what does the HubSpot integration actually do?

Ben Binary:

It just makes the whole experience so much smoother. Schedule Zoom meetings right in HubSpot. Recordings and transcripts get synced to your contacts automatically. You even get conversational intelligence that analyzes those meetings for you.

Luna Logic:

Oh, wow. That's fantastic. It's like taking those tools we already rely on and supercharging them by connecting them to HubSpot.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Building that perfect tech stack that works as hard as you do.

Luna Logic:

I love it. Okay. So we've talked about some heavy hitters, but you mentioned earlier that HubSpot also highlighted some lesser known apps.

Ben Binary:

Oh, yeah. Some hidden gems in there.

Luna Logic:

Right. The ones that might not be on everyone's radar yet.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Exactly.

Luna Logic:

Tell me more.

Ben Binary:

One that stands out is PandaDoc. It's a platform that's all about making sales documents and proposals, you know, really streamlined.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So, PandaDoc. Tell me more about what they do and why HubSpot's giving them the spotlight.

Ben Binary:

Well, they solve a big problem for salespeople

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Creating and managing sales documents.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

You know, proposals, quotes, contracts, all that stuff that can be a real headache.

Luna Logic:

Oh, yeah. I've been there. Creating proposals used to be the worst part of my week. So clunky.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Mhmm. PandaDoc makes it so much easier. You can build really professional looking documents

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Track their progress, get electronic signatures, and it's all secure. Keeps everything compliant.

Luna Logic:

Okay. That sounds like a huge improvement. But how does it work with HubSpot specifically?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

The magic word.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. They have a really smooth integration with HubSpot through those app cards we were talking about.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So you get all the PandaDoc functionality right inside your HubSpot portal.

Luna Logic:

Seamless. I love it. What else what else is on HubSpot's hidden gem list?

Ben Binary:

Alright. This one's for all the partnership people out there.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Partner Stack

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And Partner Stack Network Connect.

Luna Logic:

2 for 1.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. They're both about making your partner program way easier to manage.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And, of course, they integrate with HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

Of course. Because what doesn't at this point?

Ben Binary:

Right. Partner programs are awesome, but, I mean

Luna Logic:

They're a lot.

Ben Binary:

They can be a lot to handle.

Luna Logic:

Keeping track of everyone.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. You gotta find the right partners, get them onboarded, make sure they're doing well, give them what they need to succeed.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Like herding cats sometimes. Yeah. A lot of moving parts.

Ben Binary:

But with these tools, you can automate a lot of that. You can track everything in HubSpot Mhmm. Keep your partners happy and, you know, make sure they're actually bringing in those deals.

Luna Logic:

That's what we want. Right? Everybody wins. Okay. Is there one more hidden gem you wanna tell us about before we wrap things up?

Ben Binary:

One more. Can't forget about QuotaPath.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

This one's for anyone who's ever struggled with managing sales commissions.

Luna Logic:

Oh, I'm listening.

Ben Binary:

Especially if you've ever tried doing it with spreadsheets.

Luna Logic:

The worst.

Ben Binary:

The absolute worst. QuotaPath is gonna be your new best friend.

Luna Logic:

Okay. Tell me more. How does it make it easier?

Ben Binary:

It just brings everything together. You set up your commission plans right in the app, track everyone's progress in real time, even forecast your earnings. And you guessed it, it's all in HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

No more spreadsheets. I love it.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. No more spreadsheets.

Luna Logic:

Fantastic. Okay. So we've talked about boosting productivity, streamlining all these processes, even keeping our sales teams motivated. But now I'm wondering, like, this is a lot. How do I actually find these apps?

Luna Logic:

Where do I start?

Ben Binary:

Easy. HubSpot's got this thing called the app marketplace.

Luna Logic:

Okay. It's

Ben Binary:

like a curated collection of all the best sales and marketing tools out there. You can search by what you need, even what integrates with what.

Luna Logic:

Oh, that's fantastic. Okay. So it's like they've anticipated our needs and made it super easy to find what we're looking for.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. But, little pro tip for you

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Before you dive in and start clicking on everything Right. Take a step back. Think about what your biggest challenges are right now. You know, where are the bottlenecks? Where could you use a little more automation, a little more efficiency?

Luna Logic:

That's a great point. It's easy to get distracted by all the shiny new things.

Ben Binary:

It really is.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But it's about finding the right tools for you for what you're actually doing.

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. Okay. So as our listeners are out there, you know, building their dream sales tech stack, what's the one thing they should keep in mind? What's the most important takeaway here?

Ben Binary:

Don't reinvent the wheel. You know, HubSpot's already done so much of the work for us. They've put together this list, made this platform that connects to all these amazing tools.

Luna Logic:

So it's like having an expert in your corner guiding you, making sure you're on the right track. Well, there you have it, everyone. We've covered HubSpot's essential sales apps for 2024 from streamlining calls to automating tasks to, like you said, managing those partner programs like a pro.

Ben Binary:

And we found some hidden gems along the way.

Luna Logic:

We did. We did. But it's just the beginning. Right? I mean, there's a whole world of amazing apps out there.

Luna Logic:

And with the right tech stack, the possibilities are pretty much endless.

Ben Binary:

Totally agree.

Luna Logic:

So get out there, explore the app marketplace, and start building that sales engine you've always wanted.

Ben Binary:

Happy selling.

Luna Logic:

Thanks for joining us, everyone.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.