95+ new and 35+ updated apps in HubSpot’s App Marketplace

95+ new and 35+ updated apps in HubSpot’s App Marketplace

Luna Logic:

Alright. So get this. HubSpot just dropped a massive update to their app marketplace.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And we're talking 95 new apps

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Plus 35 updates.

Ben Binary:

It's unbelievable.

Luna Logic:

So if you're anything like me and, like, pretty much live in HubSpot all day

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

This is kinda a big deal.

Ben Binary:

It's a gold mine. Right? All these new tools, new features coming out.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But what's so fascinating to me about this is that it really shows that HubSpot isn't just building a platform anymore.

Ben Binary:


Ben Binary:

They're cultivating a whole ecosystem.

Luna Logic:

Right. More like an explosion than update.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And for those of us who use HubSpot, that means even more ways to customize and power up our workflows.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So where do we even begin with all this?

Ben Binary:

Well, instead of getting lost in the sheer volume of it all Right. Let's focus on the gems that really stand out to me.

Ben Binary:

Oh. I

Ben Binary:

think we have to start with Adobe Express joining the party.

Luna Logic:

Okay. Now that's a name that makes you pay attention.

Ben Binary:

For sure.

Luna Logic:

Adobe is known for its top tier design tools.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But seeing them in the HubSpot app marketplace, what kind of possibilities does that open up?

Ben Binary:

It signals a pretty big move from HubSpot, I think, to make content creation even more seamless.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Imagine being able to whip up a social media graphic, maybe even a quick video without ever leaving your HubSpot portal.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So no more toggling between a million different tabs and programs. That alone is worth its weight in gold. Time is money, people.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. And for anyone who's ever struggled to maintain a consistent brand image across different platforms

Ben Binary:


Ben Binary:

Having those design tools right at your fingertips within HubSpot

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Huge game changer.

Luna Logic:

Speaking of game changers, let's talk about another big one from this update. Hey, Jin.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

AI video creation is blowing up right now.

Ben Binary:

Oh, it's huge.

Luna Logic:

And to see it integrated with HubSpot

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

It's huge.

Ben Binary:

This is where things get really interesting.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

What I'm curious about is how deep this integration goes.

Ben Binary:


Ben Binary:

Can you script, edit, and even personalize videos

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

All within HubSpot. Right. Because if so, that's a whole new level of accessibility for marketers

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Who want to leverage video, but maybe don't have a dedicated video production team.

Luna Logic:

It's like HubSpot is bringing the power of a whole production studio right into your portal.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And with video content dominating pretty much every platform these days Yeah. This could be a real game changer for businesses of all sizes.

Ben Binary:

For sure.

Luna Logic:

But what about those app updates? We can't forget about those.

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. And some of these updates are just as impactful as the new additions. Okay. Let's start with ABM PowerUp from Air Traffic Control Okay. For b to b companies.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. This could be a game changer.

Luna Logic:

And since our listeners are all HubSpot savvy, I think they'll appreciate us diving right into the specifics here.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So what makes this update so powerful for account based marketing?

Ben Binary:

Think about it. You've got all these carefully curated contact lists in HubSpot.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

This update from Air Traffic Control allows you to analyze those lists to see what content you already have that might be relevant to them. Okay.

Ben Binary:


Ben Binary:

helps you identify any gaps in your content strategy and really personalize your approach to each account.

Luna Logic:

It's like having a personalized content roadmap for every single one of your high value accounts. Talk about making your ABM strategy laser focused. Okay. This next update is for all the data nerds out there, myself included.

Ben Binary:

For sure.

Luna Logic:

Amplitude's integration with HubSpot just got a serious power up.

Ben Binary:

Oh, this one's a good one.

Luna Logic:

It's a good one.

Ben Binary:

Product usage data is pure gold.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And this update lets you mine it for all it's worth.

Luna Logic:

So we're not just talking about basic analytics here. Right? Give us the juicy details.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

What kind of insights can you actually glean from this integration?

Ben Binary:

So imagine this. You see that users who engage with a specific feature in your product

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

End up having a higher customer lifetime value.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

That's incredibly valuable information.

Luna Logic:

Super valuable.

Ben Binary:

With this Amplitude update, you can pull that data straight into HubSpot

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And use it to build, like, hyper targeted lid scores or even segment your audience for super personalized campaigns.

Luna Logic:

It's like connecting the dots between product usage and marketing ROI in a way that we've never been able to do before. Exactly. So powerful. Now on a completely different note, we have to talk about Sendoso.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

I will fully admit, I am a

Ben Binary:

sucker for a good personalized gift. Who isn't? Right. Yeah. But you're right.

Luna Logic:

This isn't just about Who isn't? Right. Yeah. But you're right.

Ben Binary:

This isn't just about sending out random swag. Totally. This update takes strategic

Luna Logic:

gifting to a whole new level by integrating it directly into

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

HubSpot sales workflows.

Ben Binary:

I love it.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So walk us through this.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

How can our listeners envision using this in their day to day?

Ben Binary:

So imagine this. You just had a fantastic sales call with a prospect. Okay. They're excited. You're excited, but you wanna keep that momentum going.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

With the updated Sendoso integration, you can now use HubSpot's app cards

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

To send them a personalized gift right then there

Luna Logic:

Oh, wow.

Ben Binary:

Maybe a book you mentioned or a

Ben Binary:

gift card to their favorite coffee shop.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's a memorable touchpoint that helps you stand out from the competition.

Luna Logic:

App cards. App cards. We keep hearing about those. For those who are new to this whole app card world Yeah.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

you give us a quick breakdown of what they are and why we should be excited about them?

Ben Binary:

Yeah. So think of them as, like, these mini dashboards from your favorite apps.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But they live right inside your HubSpot portal.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So instead of jumping back and forth between different platforms

Ben Binary:


Ben Binary:

You can access key features and information from those apps directly within HubSpot.

Ben Binary:


Ben Binary:

it. It's all about streamlined workflows and centralized information.

Luna Logic:

I like it. And speaking of streamlining, Calendly's new update

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Is a game changer for anyone who schedules a lot of meetings.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Oh, yeah. The automatic tracking of meeting outcomes?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Tell me more.

Ben Binary:

So it's not just about booking the meeting anymore. Right. It's about understanding what happens after the invite is sent. Okay. Did they actually show up?

Ben Binary:

Was it

Ben Binary:

a no show? Right. Did they need to reschedule? Yeah. Calendly now tracks all of that automatically Wow.

Ben Binary:

And syncs the data straight to your HubSpot portal.

Luna Logic:

This is huge for sales teams.

Ben Binary:

No more manually logging those meeting outcomes Right.

Luna Logic:

Which, let's be honest, could meeting outcomes Right. Which, let's be honest, could sometimes be

Ben Binary:

a bit of a

Luna Logic:

guessing game. Totally. Right. A little bit. Like, did they

Ben Binary:

or didn't they? Yeah. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

I don't remember. I think they did. Okay.

Ben Binary:

We'll mark it

Luna Logic:

down as that. Exactly. But having that data automatically integrated into HubSpot gives you a much clearer picture of how your sales process is performing For

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And where there might be room for improvement. Absolutely. And the good news continues. We saw updates for communication tools too. Microsoft Teams and Zoom phone users listen up.

Ben Binary:

It's huge.

Luna Logic:

Oh, I heard whispers about this. Something about logging calls directly in HubSpot. Yes. Spill the tea.

Ben Binary:

So both platforms now have PyTor integrations.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So you can log calls directly to HubSpot without any manual entry.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Whether you're on a sales call a customer support call or just a quick check-in, it's all tracked and logged automatically.

Luna Logic:

Music to a salesperson's ears. Am I right?

Ben Binary:

I know.

Luna Logic:

No more scrambling to remember the details of a call a week later. Okay. Last but not least, we have to talk about Snowflake. Now this one is still in beta, but it has the potential to be massive. Especially for data driven companies, data integration is everything these days.

Luna Logic:

So tell us what makes this Snowflake integration so groundbreaking.

Ben Binary:

Well, you know how we were just talking about having that single source of truth?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And having all of your data in one place.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

I mean, all of it.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Not just your marketing and sales data from HubSpot.

Ben Binary:


Ben Binary:

But your product usage data, your financial data, even your customer service data. Wow. Snowflake is a cloud data platform that can handle massive amounts of information.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And with this integration, you can pull all of that rich data straight into HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

Woah. We're talking about building a single source of truth for all your customer data?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

What kind of impact could that have on the business?

Ben Binary:

Think about the possibilities.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

You could segment your audience with laser precision. Personalize your marketing campaigns to a whole new degree

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And get, like, a crystal clear understanding of your customer journey from start to finish.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's about connecting all the dots and using those insights to make smarter, more informed decisions across every single department.

Luna Logic:

This HubSpot app marketplace update is like opening a treasure chest of tools and possibilities.

Ben Binary:

It really is.

Luna Logic:

But I have to admit, it can also feel a bit overwhelming.

Ben Binary:

For sure.

Luna Logic:

Where do you even begin with all these new apps, updates, integrations? It's a lot to process.

Ben Binary:

It's definitely a case of the more the merrier you know

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Which can be paralyzing.

Luna Logic:

It really can be.

Ben Binary:

My advice. Okay. Don't try to do everything at once.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Instead of getting lost in the excitement of all the new shiny objects Mhmm. Take a step back and think about, like, your biggest pain points or the one area where you really wanna level up your business.

Luna Logic:

Love that. So practical.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So, for example, let's say you're struggling to get people to actually show up for their webinars.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Instead of just, like, throwing in the towel on webinars altogether

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

You could explore how that updated Calendly integration we talked about

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Could help you get a better handle on why people are signing up but not attending.

Ben Binary:

Totally. Or maybe you're intrigued by the potential of AI but don't know where to start.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Testing the waters with HeyGen for video creation could be a great way to experiment without a huge investment of time or resources. Right. It's about identifying those quick wins that can have a big impact. Yeah. You don't have to implement every single update right away.

Luna Logic:

It's all about starting small, finding what works for you, and building from there. Right?

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. Think of it like building your dream house in HubSpot.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

You don't have to furnish every room on day 1.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Start with the essentials, see how everything works together, and then gradually add those finishing touches that make it truly yours.

Luna Logic:

Okay. That is a brilliant analogy. So as we wrap up our deep dive into this massive HubSpot update. Any final words of wisdom for our listeners who are eager to explore all these new possibilities?

Ben Binary:

Here's something to consider. Okay. What does the future of your business look like?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

What are your biggest goals and ambitions? And what obstacles do you anticipate facing along the way? Once you have those answers Yeah. Explore the HubSpot app marketplace Yeah. With those goals and challenges in mind.

Ben Binary:

Yep. You might be surprised by the innovative solutions you discover.

Ben Binary:


Ben Binary:

Solutions that can help you not only overcome those hurdles, but propel your business forward in ways you never even thought possible.

Luna Logic:

I love that. Such a great challenge for our listeners. Because it's not just about keeping up with the latest updates. It's about strategically leveraging these tools to shape the future of your business and stay ahead of the curve.

Ben Binary:

It's about becoming a true HubSpot power user.

Luna Logic:

Well, there you have it, folks. A whirlwind tour of the latest and greatest in the HubSpot app marketplace. We've explored new apps, dug into game changing updates, and hopefully spark some inspiration for you to experiment and level up your HubSpot game. Until next time. Happy HubSpotting.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.