HubSpot Update: Figma Design Kit for UI Components

HubSpot Update: Figma Design Kit for UI Components

Ben Binary:

Ever wish you could, like, build the perfect HubSpot feature, you know, before you even have to think about code? Yeah. Well, today's deep dive is digging into how HubSpot's making that dream a reality with this, new Figma design kit for UI components.

Luna Logic:

Okay. This should be good.

Ben Binary:

And even if you aren't a coder, this impacts anyone who uses HubSpot because it changes how custom features are designed and built.

Luna Logic:

Right. Yeah. Because smoother, more intuitive tools for everyone. Right?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

I think what's really interesting here is how this bridges that gap that often exists between, you know, having a creative vision and then the actual technical execution of that vision.

Ben Binary:

For sure. So we're diving into HubSpot's announcement, which is, mainly aimed at developers who are building custom cards in the CRM. But to really understand why this is a big deal, we need to start with Figma.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So for those who don't eat, sleep, and breathe design software, can you give us the lowdown on Figma?

Luna Logic:

Yeah. So imagine, like, a digital art board, right, where designers can all collaborate together in real time. So that's kind of Figma in a nutshell, and it's become incredibly popular, especially for teams because it just streamlines that whole design process. And now, you know, HubSpot is taking that collaborative spirit a step further with this design kit. It's basically like a prebuilt library of all the standard UI components used in their custom cards.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So all those little things, buttons, input fields, date pickers.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. All those little elements that make up a user interface. Yeah.

Ben Binary:

So instead of starting from scratch every time, developers now have, like, a set of Lego blocks they can just use visually.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. That's a great way to put it. But the cool thing is this design kit isn't just about saving time, although that's a huge plus.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

It's really about getting everyone on the same page from the very beginning.

Ben Binary:

Because a picture is worth a 1,000 lines of code. Right?

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Yeah. And HubSpot stressed this in their announcement. You know, this is about having a single source of truth for design.

Ben Binary:

Why is that so important?

Luna Logic:

Right. Okay. Well, think back to how things used to be. You know, a client might try to describe their vision for a custom feature, and then the developer would try to translate that into technical requirements. And it just it often felt like that game of telephone we've all played, right, where something gets whispered around and it totally changes by the end.

Ben Binary:

Oh, for sure. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. And those crucial details could easily get lost in translation. But this kit just kind of eliminates that communication barrier.

Ben Binary:

So no more, like, deciphering vague emails or trying to explain design concepts over the phone because everyone is looking at the same blueprint.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Literally, everyone's looking at the same blueprint. And I think this leads to one of the biggest benefits for clients actually getting to see realistic previews.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Okay.

Luna Logic:

So instead of waiting until the code is written to actually see something tangible, developers can use this design kit to create a working mock up of what that custom card will look like like inside of Figma. Oh. So, like, imagine you're a client, right, and you want a card to track a new sales metric. Well, now the developer can actually show you a prototype within Figma that looks and feels like the real deal as if it were inside of HubSpot. So you get to experience your vision, like, firsthand.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. That's huge for making sure everyone's on the same page and, you know, happy with the design before things go too far. No more surprises down the line. Yeah. And this ties directly into HubSpot's whole concept of UI extensibility.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Yeah. Absolutely. So UI extensibility refers to how much freedom developers have to customize those base HubSpot features.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Think of it this way. Imagine you have a house. Right? And it's got really good bones. That's like HubSpot's core UI.

Luna Logic:

Mhmm. You wanna renovate and kinda make the house your own, but you have to work within the limits of the existing structure.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

The design kit basically acts as a set of blueprints. You know? It shows developers exactly what they can modify, you know, how far they can push those customizations, but it also makes sure that everything remains compatible with the core functionality of HubSpot.

Ben Binary:

So it's like guardrails in a way. Keeps things from going haywire, but still allows for creative freedom.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Exactly. You got it. And and that leads us to another crucial point about all of this. HubSpot is being very strategic with how they're rolling this out.

Luna Logic:

Right now, they have this limited beta program specifically for developers that are working with the CRM's UI extensions. So they're getting feedback, they're iterating, and they're basing these changes off of, you know, how it's actually being used in the real world.

Ben Binary:

Which tells me they're not just throwing this out there and, you know, hoping for the best. Yeah. You're really trying to make sure that this tool actually meets the needs of their developer community.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Exactly. It really speaks volumes about how committed they are to creating tools that empower developers to build cool stuff on their platform.

Ben Binary:

And, ultimately, when developers have the tools they need, you know, that ends up benefiting everyone.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Absolutely. The developers, the clients, and HubSpot themselves.

Ben Binary:

So to wrap all this up, it seems like HubSpot is making a big move towards more accessible, more collaborative customization. And this new design kit has I mean, it it has the potential to really revolutionize how these custom HubSpot integrations are built. And I think that means a more streamlined development process, happier clients, and even more powerful user friendly tools in the HubSpot ecosystem. It'll be fascinating to see where developers take this.

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. Yeah.

Ben Binary:

I mean, could this be a game changer for other platforms too?

Luna Logic:

That's a good question.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Something to think about.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.