HubSpot Update: Mobile Optimized Email

HubSpot Update: Mobile Optimized Email

Luna Logic:

Ever open an email on your phone and it's just a mess? Like, images everywhere, text you can barely read.

Ben Binary:

It happens all the time. It's why we're diving into HubSpot's new mobile optimized email features.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Today, they're kind of a big deal for anyone who uses email marketing.

Luna Logic:

No kidding. So for anyone who hasn't heard, HubSpot basically just handed us a bunch of tools to make our emails look amazing on any device.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. And it's about time. More and more people are checking email on their phones these days.

Luna Logic:

True. And I feel like we've all gotten those emails that were clearly designed for a bigger screen, and it just makes you wanna close it immediately.

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. You put all this effort into this beautiful email, and then poof, gone in a swipe Yeah. Because it's just too much work to read on a tiny screen.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Okay. So how's HubSpot changing the game here?

Ben Binary:

It's all about control. HubSpot's always had some mobile responsiveness. Right?

Luna Logic:

Yeah. But it's been kind of basic.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. This is different. We're talking about granular control over how every single element looks on different screen sizes.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So, like, what does that look like in action?

Ben Binary:

Okay. Imagine you've got a really detailed pricing table in your email. Looks great on a desktop. Right? But on mobile, total information overload.

Luna Logic:

Way too much.

Ben Binary:

Now you can just hide that entire table for mobile users and replace it with a simple button that takes them to a mobile friendly pricing page.

Luna Logic:

Oh, that's smart.

Ben Binary:

Right. It's all about streamlining the experience

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Making it easy for people to actually do something from their phones.

Luna Logic:

So it's not just about making things fit on the screen. It's about actually thinking about how people use their phones differently.

Ben Binary:

100%. And it gets even better. Uh-huh. Remember that all devices button we used to have for layouts?

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Kinda limiting.

Ben Binary:

Gone. Now you can adjust the layout for desktop and mobile separately. Three columns on desktop. Make it a single, easy to read column on mobile.

Luna Logic:

No coding required.

Ben Binary:

Nope. HubSpot's doing the heavy lifting for you.

Luna Logic:

That's awesome. But what about the design aspect, like fonts, colors, all that?

Ben Binary:

HubSpot's got you covered. You can tweak background colors, adjust font sizes for readability, even change the spacing between elements, all for specific devices.

Luna Logic:

Wow. So I could have a really bold, eye catching design for desktops and then a cleaner, more minimal look for mobile.

Ben Binary:

You got it. This level of customization is amazing for optimizing the experience.

Luna Logic:

This all sounds almost too good to be true, so spill the beans. Who gets access to all this?

Ben Binary:

Right now, it's available for HubSpot users with marketing pro and marketing enterprise accounts.

Luna Logic:

So if you're serious about leveling up your email game, those HubSpot plans might be worth a look. Think about it. You're no longer stuck with a one size fits all approach. Now you can tailor every aspect of your email, and that, my friends, is a game changer.

Ben Binary:

I couldn't agree more.

Luna Logic:

And that brings up a whole other question. How else can we use this technology to make the inbox a more personalized experience? Something to think about. Until next time. Happy emailing.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.