HubSpot Update: Associations and Dissociations of Lists via Marketing Events API

HubSpot Update: Associations and Dissociations of Lists via Marketing Events API

Luna Logic:

Ever wish you could just, like, easily track who's engaging with your marketing events in HubSpot.

Ben Binary:

And I don't just mean, like, seeing who attended. I mean, really segmenting those attendees into specific lists for super targeted follow-up. Yeah. Well, HubSpot just dropped an update that has people talking, and we're diving in to see what all the buzz is about.

Luna Logic:

What's exciting about this update is it really gets at something I know a lot of marketers struggle with. I mean, it used to be that if you wanted to keep track of who attended what event and then actually use that information to really segment your audience well. Let's just say it involved a lot of manual workarounds.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. For sure. So we're talking about HubSpot's product update from October 14, 2024, specifically, the part about associating and dissociating lists directly through their marketing events API. Mhmm. I feel like right off the bat, API sounds kinda techie, so break it down for us.

Ben Binary:

What does this actually mean for someone using HubSpot day to day for their marketing?

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. So this update is huge for anyone using HubSpot to manage events and segment their audience. Imagine this. You run a webinar, and you wanna tag everyone who signed up from a specific partner company.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Maybe you wanna, like, send them tailored follow-up content or nurture them differently than other attendees.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Before, you would have had to export lists from different places, compare them manually, tag people 1 by 1. It was a whole thing.

Ben Binary:

That was a lot.

Luna Logic:

Now with this API update, developers can build integrations that automate this entire process.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So for those of us who don't speak developer, what does that mean in practice? What are these integrations and how do they fit into the picture?

Luna Logic:

Got it. So an API or application programming interface is basically a way for different software systems to talk to each other and share information.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Think of it like, a messenger that carries instructions between HubSpot and other tools you use.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Integrations are kind of like custom built bridges that use that API to connect HubSpot to those other tools so they can work together seamlessly. In this case, it means HubSpot can automatically add attendees to specific lists in your marketing automation platform based on whatever criteria you set.

Ben Binary:

That makes a lot of sense. It sounds like this update gives you way more control over how you're managing those connections between everything.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. It's like having this, like, super fine tuned control panel for your events.

Ben Binary:

I like that.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Instead of clunky manual processes, you can automate things down to a really granular level.

Ben Binary:

Nice. Now speaking of control, the article also mentions some under the radar changes to the actual HubSpot interface itself.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Something about new tabs in the event details. What's that about?

Luna Logic:

Right. HubSpot has added this associations tab where you can actually see all the lists linked to an event.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But and this is important. You can only create these associations through the API.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

It's almost like a behind the scenes area that only someone who knows how to use the tools can access.

Ben Binary:

So even if I can't personally link everything up myself, like, I'm not a coding wizard or anything, I can at least see it happening. Okay. So it's more transparent.

Luna Logic:

Yes. And it works both ways. So if a list is dissociated from an event through the API, it'll disappear from that tab. It might seem like a small thing, but it gives you that confirmation that everything's running smoothly in the background.

Ben Binary:

I see. It's like a little window into how things are working. Mhmm. Very cool. But okay.

Ben Binary:

Let's say, for those of us who might not be hardcore developers, why should we care about this update?

Luna Logic:

It boils down to efficiency. Right.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Being able to automate the process of segmenting attendees means you can personalize your marketing without doing a ton of extra work. And we all know that when you can tailor your messages based on someone's interests, you're way more likely to actually connect with them. Absolutely.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Makes you much more effective.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And, ultimately, that leads to stronger relationships and higher conversion rates.

Speaker 3:

So this might seem like a small update on the surface, but it could really have a big impact on your overall marketing. This is something to keep in mind, especially if you're working with a developer or even if you're just starting to think about how integrations can improve your marketing. Now here's something to consider. How could you use these new API capabilities at your next event? Could it help you segment your audience more effectively or maybe personalize your follow-up in a way that boosts engagement?

Speaker 3:

Something to think about.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.