HubSpot Update: SUNSET: Automatic ticket assignment for sales-seated users in Help desk

HubSpot Update: SUNSET: Automatic ticket assignment for sales-seated users in Help desk

Briefing Doc: Sunset of Automatic Ticket Assignment for Sales Users in Help Desk
Date: October 14, 2024
Source: Help Desk Product Update
Subject: SUNSET: Automatic ticket assignment for sales-seated users in Help desk
Summary: This update outlines a significant change to the Help Desk functionality, specifically regarding automatic ticket assignment. Effective immediately, only users with Service seats will be eligible for automatic ticket routing and assignment within Help Desk.
Key Changes:
  • Automatic Routing Rules: Sales-seated users will no longer be eligible for inclusion in "Specific users and teams" automatic assignment rules. Tickets will be routed to available Service seat users or remain unassigned if no eligible users are found within the rule.
  • Contact Owner Assignment: Automatic assignment to the Contact Owner now requires the Contact Owner to possess a Service seat. If the Contact Owner lacks a Service seat, fallback routing rules will be applied, which also require Service seats for "Specific users and teams" selection.
  • Team Assignment within Help Desk: Assigning a ticket to a team from within the Help Desk workspace will only consider users with Service seats on that team as eligible for assignment.
  • Manual Assignment: Sales and core seated users can still be manually assigned as the Ticket Owner through the assignment dropdown within the Help Desk workspace.
The update is driven by the platform's focus on Help Desk as a dedicated workspace for reactive support. Full access to Help Desk features, including automatic ticket assignment, now necessitates a Service seat. As stated in the update, "Help desk is an opinionated workspace for reactive support and a service seat is required to access all of the features, including automatic ticket assignment."
Organizations relying on automatic ticket assignment to sales users in Help Desk will need to adjust their workflows. Consider the following:
  • Service Seat Provisioning: Determine which users require Service seats to maintain current ticket routing and assignment processes.
  • Routing Rule Review: Review and update existing Help Desk routing rules to ensure proper ticket flow with the new limitations on Sales seat users.
  • Process Adjustments: Update internal processes to reflect the changes and ensure effective ticket handling and response times.
Affected User Groups:
  • Service Pro users
  • Service Enterprise users
Next Steps:
  • Evaluate current user base and Help Desk routing rules to assess the impact of this change.
  • Communicate this update to all relevant stakeholders within the organization.
  • Adjust user seat assignments and Help Desk configurations as needed to maintain desired workflows.

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Ben Binary
Ben Binary
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Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.