HubSpot Update: Marketing Events Data Now Available in Custom Report Builder

HubSpot Update: Marketing Events Data Now Available in Custom Report Builder

Luna Logic:

Alright, everybody. Buckle up because we are diving head first into some seriously exciting HubSpot news.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. If you're as obsessed with data and events as we are

Luna Logic:

Which, let's be real, you probably are if you're here.

Ben Binary:

Then this update is gonna be music to your ears.

Luna Logic:

It's true. HubSpot basically dropped a knowledge bomb on us October 14th. And, honestly

Ben Binary:

I'm still kinda reeling.

Luna Logic:

Me too. We're talking about a whole new world of event analysis here, folks.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Seriously, remember all those times you've been digging through HubSpot, trying to piece together, like

Luna Logic:

Oh, tell me about it. Trying to get a clear picture of how your events were actually performing was like

Ben Binary:

It was like trying to make a 5 course meal with only a hotdog and a bag of chips. Okay. That's the bare minimum.

Luna Logic:

The bare minimum.

Ben Binary:

But you couldn't really do anything with it.

Luna Logic:

You couldn't get those gourmet insights

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

That you needed to really understand what was working and what wasn't.

Ben Binary:

And that's what's so game changing about this update.

Luna Logic:

It's like HubSpot finally said, you know what? You deserve all the ingredients.

Ben Binary:

All of them.

Luna Logic:

They went to the marketing data grocery store and just filled up the cart.

Ben Binary:

And I'm talking the fancy grocery store, not the discount one.

Luna Logic:

We're talking organic, free range data insights here, people.

Ben Binary:

Alright. I'll stop with the food analogies, but you get the idea. We've got access now.

Luna Logic:

So let's break it down. What kind of data deliciousness are we talking about?

Ben Binary:

Okay. So first off, all the basics are covered. Event name, dates, was it canceled, when did it finish, all that good stuff right there in the custom report builder.

Luna Logic:

That's huge. No more jumping through hoops just to see if an event actually happened on time.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. But here's where it gets even better. We're even getting those behind the scenes details now, like application IDs. Mhmm. Now, I know that might sound a little technical, but trust me, if you've got a tech team working on integrations, this is huge for them.

Ben Binary:

Troubleshooting just got a whole lot easier.

Luna Logic:

It's like having that secret backstage pass. Suddenly, you can see how everything is connected.

Ben Binary:

Precisely. And that's not even the best part. This is where things get really juicy, marketing event participation.

Luna Logic:

Okay. Yes. Tell us everything.

Ben Binary:

Alright. So imagine being able to see not just WHO registered for your event Right. But how long they actually stuck around.

Luna Logic:

No way. We can see individual attendance duration now.

Ben Binary:

You got it. We can see who bailed after 5 minutes

Luna Logic:

Shoot. And

Ben Binary:

who was glued to their screen for the entire hour. We can pinpoint the exact moment someone's participation status changed.

Luna Logic:

So we can tell if people are dropping off during a specific part of the event. That's invaluable.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. And this is pure gold for optimizing your content. Figure out what's grabbing people and what's making them tune out.

Luna Logic:

This is taking audience engagement to a whole

Ben Binary:

new level. And I can't forget

Luna Logic:

one little nuance with all this. Little nuance with all this.

Ben Binary:

That event finished field, it's not automatic. See the API controls it. So just a heads up. For past events, using the end date is gonna be more reliable for now.

Luna Logic:

Good to know. But, honestly, that feels like a tiny detail compared to everything else we've got.

Ben Binary:

It really is. And speaking of big picture stuff, we can't forget about the marketing event analytics side of things.

Luna Logic:

Oh, right. We've got that whole other dimension to explore.

Ben Binary:

This is where you get that bird's eye view of all your events. Think registrations, cancellations, attendance, all neatly plotted against specific dates. It's like having this dynamic dashboard for your event performance all within HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So we've clearly established that this update has gifted us with an absolute treasure trove of data.

Ben Binary:

A treasure trove.

Luna Logic:

But data for data's sake is only so helpful. Right.

Ben Binary:

We gotta make it work for us.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. So let's talk strategy. How can marketers actually use this to improve their events, their campaigns, and, ultimately, their results?

Ben Binary:

I'm so glad you asked that because this is where we move beyond just numbers and start getting those actionable insights.

Luna Logic:

Hit me with it. Okay.

Ben Binary:

Say you're running a series of webinars.

Luna Logic:

We'll have a good webinar.

Ben Binary:

With this update, you can see exactly which sessions had the highest attendance duration, you know, which ones people were so captivated by they couldn't tear themselves away.

Luna Logic:

But we're not just assuming what people like. We know for sure.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. That tells you what topics, what formats really resonate with your audience, and that means you can tailor your future content for maximum impact.

Luna Logic:

And that, my friends, is how you optimize your content for better engagement, better leads, and, ultimately, better results.

Ben Binary:

You get it. And because we can finally connect this treasure trove of registration data to actual sales outcomes all within HubSpot. Huge. We can finally measure event ROI with laser like precision. Imagine being able to see which events aren't just generating buzz, but actually translating into deals.

Luna Logic:

No more guessing games.

Ben Binary:

No more. And let's not forget about the power of segmentation here. Now we can create these hyper targeted follow-up campaigns based on actual event behavior.

Luna Logic:

Right. So we can nurture those leads with laser focused messaging based on their specific interests and actions.

Ben Binary:

Boom. Personalized marketing on another level.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So I have to ask, how complicated is it to actually build these reports? Because this all sounds amazing, but I'm picturing, like, spreadsheets upon spreadsheets.

Ben Binary:

I promise it's not as daunting as it might sound. Think of it like this. You choose whether you're diving into individual event participations or taking that broader look with the event analytics.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

From there, you layer in the data. You've got your marketing events, your contacts, and any other HubSpot goodies you want to bring into the mix. Just a pro tip though. Stick with one primary data source to avoid any conflicts. So either marketing event participations or marketing event analytics is your main ingredient.

Luna Logic:

Got it. One main ingredient for a clean data recipe.

Ben Binary:

You got it. Now if you want the step by step, HubSpot has a great knowledge base article that walks you through it.

Luna Logic:

Perfect. We'll make sure to link that in the show notes for everyone.

Ben Binary:

Awesome. And here's the best part, they're making it even easier soon. HubSpot's hinted that we're getting pre built marketing event reports added to the marketing analytics suite, like a whole library of ready made reports just waiting for us.

Luna Logic:

Okay. HubSpot, you are spoiling us.

Ben Binary:

It's a game changer, for sure. They're giving us the tools to really understand our events and our audience on a deeper level.

Luna Logic:

So there you have it. HubSpot's new event reporting tools, a complete game changer for anyone who loves data driven marketing.

Ben Binary:

It's data's time to shine.

Luna Logic:

The real question is, what incredible insights are you gonna uncover with this newfound power?

Ben Binary:

Get in there and get analyzing.

Luna Logic:

Till next time.

Ben Binary:

See you.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.