HubSpot Update: Associate Campaigns to Forms in the new Forms tool

HubSpot Update: Associate Campaigns to Forms in the new Forms tool

Ben Binary:

Ever get that feeling. Yeah. Like, you're putting together this awesome marketing campaign. Right? You've got all the pieces.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Social media's humming. Emails are going out. Landing pages are perfectly crafted.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But then, how do you know it's actually working?

Luna Logic:

It's like throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks. It's a classic marketing problem.

Ben Binary:

Right. You see the leads coming in, but where are they coming from? Which part of the campaign is really resonating?

Luna Logic:

And without that knowledge, how can you optimize? How can you know where to double down or what to tweak?

Ben Binary:

Exactly. You're left kinda just dot guessing. But and get this. There's a new tool out there that's basically like a detective for your campaigns. Right.

Ben Binary:

We're talking about directly linking those precious form submissions right back to the campaign that brought them in.

Luna Logic:

Okay. I'm intrigued. Tell me more.

Ben Binary:

So this is a HubSpot update just announced on October 9, 2024. They're making it possible to link forms directly to specific campaigns. And get this, it's available across the board, Marketing Pro, Marketing Enterprise, Marketing Plus Pro, and Marketing Plus Enterprise.

Luna Logic:

Wow. So they're really making a statement with this. Sounds like they know this is something everyone needs, which makes sense. I mean, we've all been struggling with this for ages.

Ben Binary:

It's huge e. Yeah. And you know what? It's not just about seeing a form submission and going, oh, cool. Someone's interested.

Ben Binary:

Mhmm. This is about really understanding the customer journey.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. It's like finally being able to see the bread crumbs. You know? Someone comes in through a specific campaign.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

They click. They engage. And then, bam, they hit that form. Yeah. You can track that entire journey now.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So walk me through it. Paint me a picture. Yeah. How does this actually look in action?

Luna Logic:

Alright. Imagine this. You've got your campaign set up, beautiful landing page, the works. Before, you'd see a form submission come through, but you'd be like, well, I think they came from that Facebook ad.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Or that blog post.

Luna Logic:

Right. Or the blog post. Exactly. But but no more guessing. You link that form directly to that campaign.

Luna Logic:

They come through. They fill it out. You know exactly where that lead came from. No question.

Ben Binary:

Okay. That's powerful. So no more second guessing. No more, maybe it was this. Maybe it was that.

Ben Binary:

You have the data right there.

Luna Logic:

Yep. And it gets even better. Think about AB testing. You're trying out different landing pages within a campaign. Right?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Well, now you can see which version of that page and therefore which form is actually driving the most conversions.

Ben Binary:

Oh, that's game changing. Talk about data driven decisions.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. You can actually see what's working best and make informed decisions about your strategy. No more flying blind.

Ben Binary:

Okay. I'm convinced. But let's talk about the elephant in the room. ROI, we're always trying to prove our worth, show that our marketing magic is actually working.

Luna Logic:

Oh, I like that. Marketing magic. But, yeah, I know what you mean. It's always a challenge. But that's the other huge win here.

Luna Logic:

Right? Being able to directly tie those leagues and, ultimately, those conversions back to the campaign itself.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

That's how you prove the value of what you're doing. You can say, this campaign with this landing page generated x number of leads, and here's how much revenue that translates to.

Ben Binary:

Boom. Mic drop. That's how you get stakeholders to open their wallets. But, hold on. I need to make sure I understand this.

Ben Binary:

How hard is it to actually use this new feature? Because you know me. I'm not exactly a tech wiz over here.

Luna Logic:

Oh, don't worry about that. HubSpot has actually made this super user friendly.

Ben Binary:

Oh, thank goodness.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. You can link those forms to campaigns right from the campaign view, like, there's a drop down menu. It's super simple. Or you can do it through the campaign settings.

Ben Binary:

Okay. That's actually

Luna Logic:

really easy. I was just picking something way more complicated. Nope. They really streamlined it. It's all about making life easier for us marketers.

Ben Binary:

So no more excuses. You can track your campaign results, see what's working, what's not, and actually prove your ROI. It's all right there.

Luna Logic:

And it's only gonna get more important. Right? As the digital marketing landscape gets even more competitive, having this granular level of data is gonna be essential.

Ben Binary:

Totally. This isn't just a nice to have anymore. It's a must have.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And it just goes to show, HubSpot's really on top of things. They're constantly innovating, constantly giving marketers the tools they need to not just survive, but to thrive in this crazy world of digital marketing.

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. So for everyone listening, take a minute. Think about your own campaigns. What forms are you using? Are you taking advantage of this new HubSpot feature?

Luna Logic:

Good question.

Ben Binary:

Because, like we've been saying, this kind of data, it's power. The more you know about how people are interacting with your campaigns, the better equipped you are to refine your strategies and get those amazing results.

Luna Logic:

And isn't that what it's all about, understanding your audience, understanding their journey, and connecting with them in a way that feels genuine and valuable?

Ben Binary:

100%. Alright, everyone. That's it for today's deep dive. Go forth and optimize those campaigns. We'll see you next time.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.