How to set up Retargeting Audiences in Hubspot?

How to set up Retargeting Audiences in Hubspot?

Ben Binary:

Alright. Buckle up, everybody, because today, we are diving deep, deep into HubSpot ads.

Luna Logic:

Sounds exciting.

Ben Binary:

It is. And, specifically, we're gonna be laser focused on how to use HubSpot to really, you know, hit the bull's eye with your ads. And, you know, we've got a ton of resources for this one, articles, tutorials, even a couple of YouTube walk throughs.

Luna Logic:

Oh, wow.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. So get ready. Because we are talking about building audiences that are so targeted.

Luna Logic:

I love it. I love it.

Ben Binary:

It's gonna blow your mind.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. I mean, it's so different from how advertising used to be. Right?

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. Like, remember the days of just, like, throwing your ad out there and hoping for the best?

Luna Logic:

Right. Like, you were just kinda spraying and praying.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. We're not doing that anymore. We've got HubSpot now.

Luna Logic:

We're smarter. We're more targeted.

Ben Binary:

We are. This is all about integration.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's about taking all that juicy CRM data you've got pure gold and using it to your advantage.

Luna Logic:

And that's where things get really fun, wouldn't you say? I mean, think about it. You can personalize your ads based on where someone is in their buyer's journey.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So paint me a picture. I'm a potential customer just browsing around.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So let's say you land on a website for the first time. Right? Maybe you click on a product page, maybe you skim a blog post. An awareness campaign that could be just the ticket at that stage, just a little something to pique your interest, let you know the brand exists.

Luna Logic:

Okay. Makes sense. But now let's imagine that you visit that website a few times, and you keep going back to the same product page, or maybe you're checking out their pricing.

Ben Binary:

Clearly, I'm interested.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. You're sending out signals. And that's when you hit them with something a little more persuasive, something that speaks directly to their needs at that moment.

Ben Binary:

It's like you're reading my

Luna Logic:

mind. In a way, we are, or at least we're reading your digital footprints.

Ben Binary:

And how does HubSpot make those digital footprints trackable? I know one article mentioned different types of audiences, like website visitor audiences and contact list audiences. Can you kinda break those down?

Luna Logic:

Okay. So think of website visitor audiences as your way of reeling in, like those curious fish who are nibbling at the bait.

Ben Binary:

I like that.

Luna Logic:

They've shown some interest by visiting your site, but they're not quite ready to bite just yet. And here's where HubSpot gets really, really cool. You can actually use that data, like, what pages they visited, how long they stayed on each page.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So it's not just about whether they visit, but how they visit?

Luna Logic:

Exactly. It's about understanding their behavior and what that tells you about their intent.

Ben Binary:

I love how much data we have now.

Luna Logic:

Oh, it's a marketer's dream come true, isn't it? It's like having X-ray vision into your audience's interests.

Ben Binary:

And this is where those little tracking pixels come in. Right? Like, I'm picturing little digital bread crumbs sprinkled across a website.

Luna Logic:

You got it. Those pixels are how we follow their journey, so to speak.

Ben Binary:

So smart. Yeah. I did read something about platforms like Facebook, though, that they have limits on how many audiences you can create.

Luna Logic:

Yes. You're right. Each platform has its own set of rules. Facebook, I think it's 500 audiences per ad account, something like that.

Ben Binary:

Wow. Okay. 500 audiences. That's a lot to keep track of.

Luna Logic:

It is. But Google Ads, it's a bit different. It depends on where you're running the ad. Their search network needs at least, like, a 1000 active visitors in the past month at least.

Ben Binary:

Wow. So that's significantly more than Facebook, but then their display network is a lot lower.

Luna Logic:

Right. So it really depends on your strategy and what you're trying to accomplish.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So we've got our website visitors covered.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But what about those contact list audiences? What are we doing with those?

Luna Logic:

So those are the folks who've already raised their hands, so to speak. They've opted in, given you their email address, maybe downloaded a resource.

Ben Binary:

So we already know a little something about these folks.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And because you've already got that relationship established, you can create a contact list audience based on those specific actions they've taken. Maybe they downloaded a certain ebook, right, that tells you they're interested in that topic. So you target them with ads for a related webinar, maybe a free trial for a product mentioned in the ebook.

Ben Binary:

Okay. That makes sense. We are speaking their language at that point. We know what they're interested in, and we're giving them more of that. I did see a YouTube video, though, that was really emphasizing that you gotta make sure your lists are squeaky clean.

Luna Logic:

Oh, absolutely. Data privacy, that's huge, especially these days.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Huge. Huge. Like, they were specifically talking about needing to have a legal basis for using people's data.

Luna Logic:

Which you always should, by the way. Transparency is key. Right? People need to know how their data is being used, especially in places with really strict data privacy laws. You know?

Ben Binary:

Right. Because nobody likes to feel like their information is being used without their consent.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Definitely not. And I think it was Facebook one of the articles mentioned that they might even require you to have a business manager account and some ad history before they let you just start uploading lists of contacts.

Luna Logic:

They've really tightened things up over there.

Ben Binary:

Understandably so. But that's good to know going in.

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. Every platform has its own quirks, and it's always smart to do your homework upfront.

Ben Binary:

Homework check. Okay. So we've got our website visitors. We've got our contact lists. And it's all starting to sound a lot like retargeting.

Luna Logic:

You got it.

Ben Binary:

Which is what we're really here to talk about. Right?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

This idea that we can reengage with people who have already shown some level of interest.

Luna Logic:

That's the magic of retargeting. It's all about bringing people back into the fold, reminding them of what you have to offer.

Ben Binary:

It's like a second chance. Right. Yeah. A chance to make a good first impression even better.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Or maybe you didn't even get to make a first impression because they were just browsing, but now you can through retargeting.

Ben Binary:

I love that. Okay. So I know there are 2 main types of retargeting, puzzle based and list based. And if I'm remembering correctly, pixel based is all about those little snippets of code, those pixels that we were talking about earlier.

Luna Logic:

Right. They're like little spies tracking those website visits.

Ben Binary:

So sneaky. Yeah. And then list based retargeting, that's where we actually upload our contact list to the ad platform.

Luna Logic:

You've got it. So with pixel based, you're casting a bit of a wider net. You're targeting anyone who's visited specific pages on your website. List based, that's more like using a

Ben Binary:

The laser beam.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Precise and targeted.

Ben Binary:

I like that. Precise and targeted. However, I do remember reading that with list based retargeting, sometimes you have lower match rates because you're relying on the email addresses matching between your list and what the platform has.

Luna Logic:

It's true. Not always a perfect system, but still very effective when done right.

Ben Binary:

And that's why it's so important to keep your CRM data squeaky clean. Always.

Luna Logic:

You're only as good as your data.

Ben Binary:

And that's why HubSpot is such a game changer.

Luna Logic:

Totally agree.

Ben Binary:

Because it keeps everything in one place.

Luna Logic:

Streamlined, efficient.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Okay. So we've got our website visitors primed. We've got our contact lists ready to roll. Now we gotta think about our goals.

Ben Binary:

Like, what are we actually hoping to achieve with all of this retargeting wizardry?

Luna Logic:

The $1,000,000 question. Right?

Ben Binary:

Right. Yeah. It really is like we're showing up at a networking event with our game face on.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. We've got a plan.

Ben Binary:

We're ready.

Luna Logic:

We're here to make connections.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So how do we make sure those connections count? One article talked about different retargeting goals, and there were a few that stood out to me. We're talking generating awareness, driving conversions, and even boosting customer lifetime value.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So generating awareness, that's your way of staying top of mind. Think about it. Someone visits your website, maybe browses a couple of products, and then poof, they're gone.

Ben Binary:

They disappear into the Internet void.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. But a well placed retargeting campaign that can keep your brand right there in front of them.

Ben Binary:

It's like a gentle reminder. Hey. We're still here. Remember that thing you were looking

Luna Logic:

at? Exactly. Yeah. Now driving conversions, this is where the rubber meets the road.

Ben Binary:

This is where the money is made.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. We're talking about guiding those valuable leads further down the funnel.

Ben Binary:

Give me an example. How would I do that?

Luna Logic:

Let's say someone abandons their cart. Right? They add stuff, but then they get cold feet. Retargeting swoops in with a well timed discount code, free shipping, something to kinda incentivize that purchase.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So they need a little nudge.

Luna Logic:

A little nudge can go a long way.

Ben Binary:

That makes a lot of sense, actually. I did see one article that highlighted reducing cart abandonment as a key retargeting goal.

Luna Logic:

It's a big one, but we can't forget about our existing customers.

Ben Binary:

Right. Because they already love us.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. They're the ones who are most likely to buy from you again.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So retargeting can be a really, really powerful tool for boosting that customer lifetime value. Mhmm. So what? Like, reminding them about new products, lifetime value. Mhmm.

Luna Logic:

So what? Like, reminding

Ben Binary:

them about new products, new services? Some be I'm picking up what you're putting down? Keep them engaged. Keep them coming back for more.

Luna Logic:

Love it. Although, I did read somewhere that campaigns geared towards raising awareness,

Ben Binary:

they tend to have lower click through rates than those focused on, like, immediate conversions.

Luna Logic:

That's true. Awareness campaigns are more about, like, impressions. It's about getting those eyeballs on your brand. So, yeah, the click through rate might not be as high, but that's necessarily a bad thing.

Ben Binary:

It's a long game.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. You're planting seeds for future growth.

Ben Binary:

So set realistic expectations, measure the right metrics.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And speaking of metrics, don't forget about the call to action. This is crucial. Every ad needs a clear, compelling call to action.

Ben Binary:

Don't leave people hanging. Tell them what to do next.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Do you want them to visit a landing page, download a resource, make a purchase, spell it out for them, make it crystal clear.

Ben Binary:

I saw one YouTube tutorial actually that suggested using those strong action verbs on buttons.

Luna Logic:

Oh, absolutely. Learn more, shop now, things like that.

Ben Binary:

It's all about making it easy for people to take that next step.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. The easier, the better. And while we're on the topic of making things easy, let's talk about AB testing.

Ben Binary:

Okay. AB testing, that rings a bell.

Luna Logic:

It's a marketing staple. Test everything. Headlines, images, calls to action.

Ben Binary:

See what sticks.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. Find out what resonates with your audience.

Ben Binary:

And one article even suggested experimenting with different retargeting durations.

Luna Logic:

Oh, interesting. Like, how long you run the campaign for?

Ben Binary:

Exactly. They were saying, like, 30 days is a good starting point.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So it's a good baseline.

Ben Binary:

But, you know, some products or services might need a longer or shorter time frame.

Luna Logic:

Makes sense. It's all about finding that sweet spot for your particular audience.

Ben Binary:

It's a science and an art.

Luna Logic:

It really is. Okay. So we've covered a lot of ground here, different types of audiences, the ins and outs of pixel based and list based retargeting, and, of course, the importance of setting those clear goals and having a strong call to action. But how do we actually put all of this knowledge into practice? That's where things get even more interesting.

Luna Logic:

It's time to talk platforms. Choosing the right platform for your retargeting campaigns, that's key.

Ben Binary:

Let's do it. I'm ready to hear more. Yeah. Because we've got Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and another tons of other options out there. So many platforms.

Ben Binary:

So little time. Okay. Let's start with the usual suspects. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. I feel like I see retargeting ads everywhere on those platforms.

Ben Binary:

Is it just me or are social media platforms particularly good for this kind of marketing?

Luna Logic:

It's not just you. Social media is a gold mine for retargeting because they just have so much information about their users. Think about it. They track demographics, interests, all those little digital breadcrumbs we leave behind.

Ben Binary:

They're watching, always watching. Okay. So we've got social media giants, but I know there are also third party platforms out there. One article mentioned SharpSpring ads, AdRoll, Outbrain, Criteria. Have you used any of those?

Ben Binary:

What makes them stand out?

Luna Logic:

You're thinking outside the box. Those are more specialized tools. Each one has its own strength. AdRoll, for example, they're known for their cross platform reach. So you can use AdRoll to retarget across a bunch of different websites, social media channels, not limited to just one.

Ben Binary:

So wider reach. Got it. I think it was Outbrain, one article mentioned them specifically for native advertising, if I'm remembering this correctly, it's all about blending those ads seamlessly into the content. So they're less intrusive, more, like, a natural part of what the person's already looking at.

Luna Logic:

You're spot on. Less about interruption, more about fitting in. When it's done well, native advertising can be incredibly effective.

Ben Binary:

Subtle but powerful. I like it. Okay. So we've talked platforms, but we also need to think about ad formats. It's not just those static image ads anymore, is it?

Luna Logic:

Oh, no. Not at all. We've got options. Display ads, those image based ones, they're still around. But video retargeting, that's huge right now.

Luna Logic:

A video can convey so much more than an image.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Video's like a mini story. Right? Okay. We've covered platforms, ad formats, But how do we actually put this knowledge to work?

Ben Binary:

I'm ready to get my hands dirty.

Luna Logic:

Me too. Well, luckily for us, one of the articles did a really good job of walking through how to set up a retargeting campaign on Facebook.

Ben Binary:

Oh, perfect. I was hoping we'd get to that because Facebook, it's still king of the social media jungle.

Luna Logic:

It's a great platform to start with for sure, especially if you're new to retargeting. So remember how we talked about website visitor and contact list audiences? Well, you upload those lists directly into Facebook Ads Manager, and that's where the magic happens.

Ben Binary:

And that's where we run into those audience size rules. Right?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Some platforms have minimums. Like Facebook, don't they need at least 20 people in an audience?

Luna Logic:

Yeah. You need a few people to talk to. And LinkedIn, I think their minimum is 300, something like that.

Ben Binary:

So it's always good to check the rule book before you start playing the game. Right?

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. Each platform has its own quirks. But once you've got your audience squared away, then you choose your budget, your bidding strategy, and you're off to the races.

Ben Binary:

And speaking of budgets, one article I read really emphasized the importance of setting a lifetime budget just to make sure things don't get out of hand. You know?

Luna Logic:

Right. It's easy to get carried away, but you've gotta stay in control.

Ben Binary:

For sure. They also talked about constantly reviewing your campaign performance, making adjustments. So this isn't something you could just set and forget, is it?

Luna Logic:

Definitely not. Retargeting, it's a dynamic process. Things change. Audiences change. You've gotta be ready to adapt.

Ben Binary:

Adapt or die. Okay. Last but not least, the fun part. Let's talk ad creation. One of the articles really drilled down on the importance of clear messaging, strong visuals, and, of course, a clear call to action.

Luna Logic:

Don't forget that call to action. So important. It tells people exactly what you want them to do.

Ben Binary:

And don't be afraid to experiment. One source mentioned that Facebook really seems to like fresh content, so try different images, different headlines.

Luna Logic:

Keep it interesting. Keep it engaging.

Ben Binary:

Right. Because nobody wants to see the same boring ad a 1000000 times. Oh. Oh, and speaking of targeting, one of the sources mentioned Lookalike Audiences in HubSpot. Now, I'm really curious about this one because it sounds super powerful.

Ben Binary:

Can you talk a bit about that?

Luna Logic:

Lookalike Audiences, those are next level targeting. Think of it like cloning your ideal customer, but, you know, in an ethical and ethical and data driven way.

Ben Binary:

So I'm basically telling Facebook, find more people just like this person. Exactly. And it takes a lot of the guesswork out of it. You're no longer

Luna Logic:

just hoping you're reaching the right people. You have data on your side.

Ben Binary:

This is amazing. It's like we've come such a long way from those old spray and pray advertising methods.

Luna Logic:

We really have. And that's the beauty of all these tools and strategies we've been discussing. It's about working smarter, not harder.

Ben Binary:

And that's what this deep dive has been all about. It's amazing how much valuable information we've managed to pack into this conversation.

Luna Logic:

Right. And the cool thing is this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ben Binary:

There's always more to learn, which I love. But for now, I think we've earned ourselves a break. Yeah. Until next time, everybody.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.