HubSpot Update: Workflow Enrollment Anomalies Identified by HubSpot AI

HubSpot Update: Workflow Enrollment Anomalies Identified by HubSpot AI

Luna Logic:

Ever wish, like, your to do list, you know, could actually predict when you're about to, like, totally drop the ball on something. Yeah. Yeah. Well, HubSpot's kinda rolled out this AI update that's it's kinda doing something similar, but for, like, you know, your business processes, specifically, their workflows and, you know, how mission critical those are for so many businesses.

Ben Binary:

Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Workflows are the backbone of a lot of what we do.

Luna Logic:

So what we're really diving into today is is how HubSpot is, you know, using AI in this new way, to kind of spot issues with your workflows, maybe even before they would, you know, become a major problem.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. It's an exciting development. It's all about what they're calling, workflow enrollment anomalies. And, basically, what that means is the AI is kinda always running in the background looking for these unusual changes in, you know, how many contacts or deals, are entering your workflows at any given time.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So it's not like, you know, your entire workflow just crashes. It's it's smarter than that.

Ben Binary:

Right. Exactly. It's more nuanced. So think about it this way. Imagine you've got a workflow.

Ben Binary:

Right? And it's set up to nurture leads from, let's say, a free ebook download, something like that. Now if all of a sudden way fewer people are entering that workflow, it might mean that, your landing page is broken, you know, or the offer's not relevant anymore. Something's off. But these are the kinds of things that might not be immediately obvious just from looking at your dashboard.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. I mean, you're so you're so in the weeds on a day to day basis. It's easy to miss those those really subtle shifts in in activity like that. It's almost like having an extra set of eyes, you know, constantly looking at all your stuff for you.

Luna Logic:

So how does the how does the AI actually work? Is this like magic or something?

Ben Binary:

Well, not magic exactly, But, it's pretty cool. So HubSpot's AI, what it does is it analyzes all the historical data from your workflows.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Right? So it learns what your typical enrollment patterns look like. Yeah. And then it just keeps monitoring continuously all your workflows for any kind of unusual spikes or dips, you know, anything that deviates from the norm. And the really neat part is, you can actually tweak the sensitivity of the AI detection so you can decide how much of a change you actually wanna be notified about.

Luna Logic:

That's that's really smart. And so I know the material we were looking at, it it mentioned that this isn't just, like, an automatic thing that everybody gets right. Users actually have to opt in for this.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. That's right. You have to specifically go in and activate those AI notifications. It's not a default setting. This is where I think it gets really interesting.

Luna Logic:

Right. Because this is where the the human element comes back in. You know, even if you have the AI, you still gotta set it up right. You've gotta respond to whatever it's telling you. You've gotta make sure that, you know, all your parameters actually make sense for your business.

Luna Logic:

It's not it's not just gonna solve everything automatically.

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. It's a tool, not a cure all. It's about working smarter, not necessarily, you know, not working at all. And I think that's a really important distinction to make.

Luna Logic:

For sure. Yeah. And it's also worth noting for our listeners out there, this, particular HubSpot feature, at least for now, it's it's enterprise level only. So, if you wanna play with this, you might need to, you might need to upgrade. But even if you're not, you know, a HubSpot user, I think this speaks to a much bigger trend that we're seeing across, you know, pretty much every industry.

Ben Binary:

A 100%. It's AI making business tools more self aware. Right. And I'm using air quotes there, obviously. But that's really what it feels like, you know.

Ben Binary:

They're able to monitor themselves, spot these anomalies, like, another good example, and this is completely different from HubSpot. But you see it in finance. Right? AI analyzing, like, millions of transactions all in real time to catch potential fraud. And often, they're flagging things that, you know, a human analyst might not even pick up on for hours, days, maybe even longer.

Luna Logic:

That's wild. It makes you wonder, you know, as software gets more and more sophisticated, especially with this kind of self diagnosis stuff, are we gonna start trusting it more, or are we gonna are we gonna get more nervous about it? You know? It's a really interesting question, something to think about, you know, the next time your to do list is nagging you to, to actually finish something.

Ben Binary:

Food for thought. Definitely.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.