HubSpot Update: Update to behavior on preference page for subscription types with a "not specified" status

HubSpot Update: Update to behavior on preference page for subscription types with a "not specified" status

Luna Logic:

Ever sign up for, like, email updates for something, and then suddenly your inbox is, like, flooded with stuff you never actually asked for?

Ben Binary:

Oh, tell me about it. It's a constant battle.

Luna Logic:

Right. It's like unsubscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe. So for everyone out there who uses platform name, there might be a light at the end of this very long spam filled tunnel.

Ben Binary:

Oh, do tell.

Luna Logic:

We are doing a deep dive today on taking back control of your inbox and maybe your sanity. It all starts with a small but potentially really impactful change to subscription settings.

Ben Binary:

Okay. I'm intrigued. Lay it on me.

Luna Logic:

So we've been going through their, recent product update notices about managing communication preferences.

Ben Binary:

Those are always a thrilling read.

Luna Logic:

Right. But, honestly, there's some, like, hidden treasure buried in these things.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

The big news is not specified is gone, o u t, history.

Ben Binary:

Wait. Seriously. Like, gone, gone.

Luna Logic:

Gone. Think about it. How often do you get an email about, like, product updates or something, and you're like, I don't even remember signing up for this service.

Ben Binary:

All all the time.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. So that was because not specified basically meant, like, a silent yes.

Ben Binary:

I see.

Luna Logic:

But now things are a lot more clear. You're either subscribed or not subscribed, so you actually have to opt in to receive those very specific communications.

Ben Binary:

That makes a lot more sense, honestly.

Luna Logic:

Right. It's like choosing which cookies you want instead of just blindly clicking accept all.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. No more mystery ingredients in my inbox. I like it.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. But it's a bigger deal than just cookies. Right?

Ben Binary:

Oh, yeah. For sure.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

This is, like, a huge step towards user centric design, which is kind of a mouthful.

Luna Logic:

It is.

Ben Binary:

But, basically, what it means is that companies are finally starting to build their products and services around what you, the user, actually want and need.

Luna Logic:

It's about time, honestly. I am so tired of those sneaky subscriptions. It's like they're hiding in the fine print. This update feels like a breath of fresh air. What's really wild is that it's going to impact all users of this platform.

Luna Logic:

It's not a test. It's platform wide, which is huge.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. No more, like, beta testing and hoping for the best. This is a full on commitment. And if we're thinking big picture here, this whole transparency and control thing, it's not just happening here. We're seeing it across industries, which makes sense.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Like, companies are realizing that when they're upfront with their users they give them more control, it leads to, well, happier users Mhmm. More engaged users.

Luna Logic:

And who wouldn't want that? I know, personally, I'm ready for a much cleaner and more organized inbox.

Ben Binary:

Oh, yeah.

Luna Logic:

Imagine less time deleting unwanted emails and more time for, you know, actually doing something you enjoy.

Ben Binary:

Novel idea.

Luna Logic:

Right. This is about taking control of your digital life, making sure you're only subscribed to what you want, maybe reducing that digital overwhelm we all feel a little bit, you know.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

I don't know about you, but I am going straight to my settings and making sure everything is how I want it. This is a great first step. But it makes you wonder what else could benefit from this level of transparency and control in our digital lives.

Ben Binary:

That's a great question. There's definitely a lot to think about.

Luna Logic:

Right. It's something to ponder next time you're fighting your way through a mountain of emails you never asked for.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.