HubSopt Update: Allowed Login Methods

HubSopt Update: Allowed Login Methods

Luna Logic:

Alright, everybody. Welcome back. It's time for another deep dive. And, this time we're talking all about HubSpot. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

Specifically, HubSpot Security.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So if you're listening to this and you are a HubSpot user or you work with HubSpot in any way or really, frankly, if you just care about online security, because that's all of us at this point Yeah. This is gonna be a really interesting one. So Yes, honey. We are looking at this new feature from HubSpot they're calling allowed login methods.

Ben Binary:

It's a big deal.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Like, this is big news in the HubSpot world. And Sure. You know, sometimes those software updates, those new features, they sound kinda boring, you know, when you just read the announcement on a blog post or whatever.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. They can.

Luna Logic:

This one is not one of those.

Ben Binary:

This is not that. No. This is, this is a big change for security, I think.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. So think about it like this. Right? Imagine if you could choose exactly how people could log in to your HubSpot account.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So, like, no more, you know, worrying about, did somebody set up their log in with, like, an old social media account, or are they using a password they shouldn't be using or, you know, any of that.

Ben Binary:

Or if they've connected to some app that they don't need to be connected to anymore.

Luna Logic:

Exact you've got it so control. It's like, you know, you have your house, and you get to decide exactly who has a key

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And how they get in.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Like, upgrading your lock Yeah. From the simple latch to the deadbolt, maybe even getting a security system

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

While you're at it.

Luna Logic:

So let's break it down. I mean, what what exactly are we talking about here with allowed login methods? Because it, you know, it's it sounds kinda technical.

Ben Binary:

It is basically admins can now decide how people can get into the company's HubSpot account. You know, you wanna stick with the traditional HubSpot credentials, You can do that. Yeah. You wanna use social logins like your Google or your Microsoft account. You can do that too.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And then for those on the enterprise plan, they even have the single sign on option.

Luna Logic:

Ah, single sign on now. For anyone who's maybe not as familiar with that term

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

What is that? Why is that a big deal?

Ben Binary:

So single sign on, let's you use one login for multiple applications. So it's kinda like a master key that unlocks lots of different doors.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And in this case, it would be those different applications and systems within, like, the HubSpot ecosystem.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So it just streamlines things.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It streamlines everything.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And, you know, less passwords for people to remember. Yeah. And then, also, from a security point of view, it's a big deal. Well, if somebody compromises one password, then it doesn't mean that they've compromised everything right. Right.

Luna Logic:

They don't have the keys to the kingdom just because they got into, like, one little side door.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Just that one little side door. Yeah.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And then, you know, you might be thinking, like, why is this such a big deal? It's because businesses are relying more and more on these online platforms, these cloud based platforms like HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. It's true. Mhmm. You know, it's like in a way, it's kind of the digital equivalent of, like, we're putting all of our, you know, important documents and files and everything into this, you know, this really, really nice safe.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But the safe is only as good as the lock on the door.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Right. Yeah. And that's what HubSpot's doing here. They're beefing up that security.

Ben Binary:

So Giving

Luna Logic:

you more control.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Giving those businesses more control, which is essential these days. Yeah. The online world is not getting any safer.

Luna Logic:

Absolutely not.

Ben Binary:

That's for sure.

Luna Logic:

It's like the Wild West out there

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Yeah. Sometimes it feels that way for sure.

Luna Logic:

So HubSpot is giving us some tools to at least, you know, wrangle things in a little bit.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Try to stay one step ahead.

Luna Logic:

Get a little bit of control in a world that feels very out of control

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Exactly.

Luna Logic:

When it comes to your data anyway.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Definitely.

Luna Logic:

So okay. So we've talked about what this is we've talked about why this is a big deal.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Let's actually get into, like, the nitty gritty

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

How this works.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

So how do we actually use this thing? Walk me through it.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So let's say you're an admin. You're gonna go into your HubSpot account settings. Oh. Head to the security section.

Ben Binary:

You're gonna find this allowed login methods option.

Luna Logic:

Makes sense so far. Right.

Ben Binary:

And from there, you can just enable it. It's like a toggle switch.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And then you pick and choose which login methods you want to allow.

Luna Logic:

So it's not like an all or nothing thing?

Ben Binary:

No. You've got options. Yeah. You can pick 1. You could pick a couple.

Ben Binary:

You can go all out. It's up to you.

Luna Logic:

So you could say, for example, we only want people logging in with their Google credentials.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Yep. And then you get to set the date when these new rules come into play.

Luna Logic:

Oh, so it's not like you flip the switch and everybody's locked out.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. You can set it for today if you're feeling bold, or you can schedule it for the future. Give everyone a heads up.

Luna Logic:

So, like, if you wanted to make this change at the beginning of next month or something, you could actually schedule it in advance.

Ben Binary:

Precisely. And HubSpot's got you covered on the communication front too because when you make those changes to the allowed login methods

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

The affected users get an email notification.

Luna Logic:

So it's not just, like, surprise your login doesn't work anymore?

Ben Binary:

No. No. It's very user friendly. It tells them what's changed Yeah. How to adapt everything they need to know.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So it's like a heads up. Hey. We're making some security changes. Be prepared.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. Just a little nudge in the right direction.

Luna Logic:

Okay. Now let's talk about those edge cases for a second.

Ben Binary:

Okay. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

Because, you know, there's always that one person who's still using, like, their AOL email address from 1998.

Ben Binary:

Right. The one who refuses to let go.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. So what happens in those situations where maybe, for whatever reason, someone needs to stick with an older login method?

Ben Binary:

Well, HubSpot thought of that too. Okay. They have this thing called manage exempt users. It lets admins exempt certain individuals from those login restrictions.

Luna Logic:

Oh, so it's like you can create a little exception list.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It's all about flexibility.

Luna Logic:

So you can maintain that high level of security for most people, but still, you know, make those little exceptions where it's absolutely necessary.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It's a balancing act between security and, you know, making sure things are still usable for everyone.

Luna Logic:

Right. You don't wanna make it so secure that nobody can log in.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. That defeats the purpose.

Luna Logic:

Right. Exactly.

Ben Binary:

But, you know, obviously, the those exemptions should be the exception, not the rule.

Luna Logic:

Right. It's not like everybody gets an exception.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It defeats the purpose if everyone's exempt.

Luna Logic:

Right. Exactly.

Ben Binary:

So, yeah, it's a powerful tool. But like any tool, you gotta use it wisely.

Luna Logic:

That makes sense. So it sounds like this is a really well thought out feature.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. It's pretty impressive.

Luna Logic:

And it gives admins a lot more control over their HubSpot accounts.

Ben Binary:

Absolutely. And that's a good thing.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So we've talked about the what and the how.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

What about the where is this all go like, what's the future hold for this kind of stuff?

Ben Binary:

That's a great question. And, you know, security is always evolving. Right?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It's like a game of cat mouse.

Luna Logic:

Right. It is. It's like we're all just trying to stay one step ahead of the bad guys.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. You got it.

Luna Logic:

So where do you see this going? Like, what's next in the world of HubSpot Security or just, like, online security in general?

Ben Binary:

Well, I think, for one thing, we're gonna see a lot more of this multifactor authentication. Yeah. It it's becoming pretty standard already, but I think it's gonna be, like, nonnegotiable.

Luna Logic:

Like, you won't even have a choice.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It'll just be built in. You won't even think about it. Mhmm. And then beyond that, we might start seeing things like risk based authentication.

Luna Logic:

Okay. What is that?

Ben Binary:

See, that gets really interesting. The system basically looks at all these different factors.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Like, where are you logging in from? What kind of device are you using? Even, like, how you type

Luna Logic:

Oh, wow.

Ben Binary:

To figure out if it's really you.

Luna Logic:

So it's like analyzing your behavior?

Ben Binary:

Exactly. It's like having a digital detective on the case.

Luna Logic:

I like it.

Ben Binary:

And then, of course, we can't forget about AI, artificial intelligence that's gonna play a huge role going forward.

Luna Logic:

AI is everywhere these days.

Ben Binary:

It really is. And cybersecurity is no exception. We're already seeing it used to detect threats. And I think that's only gonna get more sophisticated.

Luna Logic:

So it's like a constant arms race.

Ben Binary:

It really is, and the better the technology gets on the good side. Yeah. You know, the more the bad guys have to up their game too.

Luna Logic:

Right. So it's this never ending cycle.

Ben Binary:

Exactly. But the key takeaway is that knowledge is power. Right? The more we know about these threats and how to protect ourselves, the better off we'll be.

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. Well, this has been a fascinating look at the HubSpot allowed login methods, and it sounds like this is just the tip of the iceberg

Ben Binary:

Oh, yeah. For sure.

Luna Logic:

When it comes to online security.

Ben Binary:

It's a wild world out there.

Luna Logic:

It is. So everybody stay safe. Oh. Stay informed, and we will see you next time for another deep dive.

Ben Binary:

Sounds good. See you then. Bye.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.