HubSpot Campaign API Update

HubSpot Campaign API Update

Luna Logic:

Ever feel like you're trying to wrangle, like, a pack of wild dogs? That's what it feels like sometimes trying to manage these marketing campaigns across all these different platforms.

Nen Binary:

It's a lot.

Luna Logic:

It's a lot. But HubSpot, they just dropped this, I don't know, maybe a safety net is the right word. Yeah. Big update to their campaign API.

Nen Binary:

It's huge. Yeah. Yeah. What's cool about this is, like, it really feels like they're trying to bring everything all under one roof, you know, trying to make it, like, streamlined and efficient for marketers.

Luna Logic:

It's about time. For those who haven't already, like, gone and, like, read all the documentation, because who's got time for that? HubSpot announced this big update on October 2, 2024.

Nen Binary:

Sick. And

Luna Logic:

Yeah. It's got it's got some stuff in it.

Nen Binary:

Yeah. It's packed with features. So one of the coolest things I think that they've added is this CRU and batch API. I know that sounds intimidating. Yeah.

Nen Binary:

But what it really means is they're giving you, like, way more control over your campaigns. So, like, CRUD is basically just letting you create, read, update, delete, all the essential stuff, but it's the batch part that's really, really interesting.

Luna Logic:

So what does batch processing even mean? Like, for the average marketer who's, like, juggling 5 different campaigns at once?

Nen Binary:

So picture this. Right? You're trying to manage the budget for all of your q four campaigns. Instead of going into each one individually, what if you could just update it all at once with, like, a single click?

Luna Logic:


Nen Binary:

Or, like, let's say you wanted to pause underperforming campaigns based on real time data. You could set up an automated rule and boom, the batch API takes care of it all at once. No more manual work.

Luna Logic:

That's what I'm talking about. That's efficiency.

Nen Binary:


Luna Logic:

But hold on a second. They didn't just stop at making the management side of things, like, a 1000000 times easier.

Nen Binary:

No. No. They also did the asset API. Yeah. And this is, like, the answer to every marketer's organizational dreams.

Luna Logic:

Mhmm. All

Nen Binary:

of your landing pages, your emails, your forms, all those assets that are, like, key to your campaigns, they're all in one place.

Luna Logic:

So no more digging through a 1000000 different folders. Like, where is that image? Where is that copy?

Nen Binary:

Exactly. And for those of you who like data

Luna Logic:

Oh, yeah.

Nen Binary:

The metrics API, it's a gold mine. We're talking, like, incredibly detailed insights into your campaign performance. Think, like, how many contacts are you reaching? What's your ROI looking like? They even have granular budget breakdowns now.

Luna Logic:

It's giving me data driven chills just thinking about it. But this begs the question, who's this update really for?

Nen Binary:

Well, if you're an app partner listening to this, imagine you could integrate HubSpot's campaign management features directly into your app. So instead of constantly having to switch between platforms, your users could have this super slick custom dashboard pulling in all of their HubSpot data.

Luna Logic:

Talk about user experience.

Nen Binary:

Seamless. Right?

Luna Logic:


Nen Binary:

And then for anyone who's a whiz with data integration, this is huge. You can now automate all of your campaign data flowing into external data warehouses.

Luna Logic:


Nen Binary:

Real time analytics, predictive modeling, all based on live HubSpot data. It's amazing.

Luna Logic:

That's wild. We've covered a lot of ground here, the what the why, but any other, I don't know, like, juicy details about this update before we wrap things up that you thought were particularly interesting?

Nen Binary:

One of the things that stood out to me is how this update really seems to be focused on control for the marketer.

Luna Logic:


Nen Binary:

Right? So, like, partial campaign updates, for example. Mhmm. Let's say you've got this big batch of campaigns you need to update, but there's one that needs a little tweak to the budget. You could totally do that now.

Nen Binary:

Nice. Or even something as simple as sorting. Right?

Luna Logic:


Nen Binary:

You can now sort your campaigns by name, by creation date. Just makes your life easier. It's the little things.

Luna Logic:

Less admin, more strategy. I like it.

Nen Binary:

And the level of granularity you get with these metrics now

Luna Logic:


Nen Binary:

It's incredible. Like, you could actually see which specific contacts were influenced by a specific campaign. Wow. It's like super fine tooth comb level of detail.

Luna Logic:

It sounds like HubSpot really knocked it out of the park with this update. If you're listening to this and you use HubSpot, this is a big deal. Like, I don't think you understand this is not just an update. This is, like, a whole new world.

Nen Binary:

Yeah. The amount of control you have, the level of insight, the integration options, it's honestly kinda mind blowing.

Luna Logic:

So the real question is, what are you gonna do with all this power?

Nen Binary:

Exactly. It's a whole new era of data driven marketing, and it's gonna be exciting to see what people do with it.

Luna Logic:

I'm into it.

Nen Binary:

Me too.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.