Property date tracker HubSpot Update

Property date tracker HubSpot Update

Ben Binary:

Ever feel like, you're just drowning in dates when you're trying to manage your HubSpot deals?

Luna Logic:

Totally. I feel that.

Ben Binary:

It's like contract renewals sneaking up on you, deadlines for, like, everything, tasks totally slipping through the cracks.

Luna Logic:

Oh, worse.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. And it's, like, enough to make your head spin right. Yeah. But good news, everyone. HubSpot just dropped this game changing update.

Ben Binary:

It's called the property date tracker, and it is going to make your life so much easier.

Luna Logic:

I am so ready for this.

Ben Binary:

It's like having, I don't know, a personal assistant in your Hub Spot portal whose only job is to, like, keep track of all these important dates so you don't have to.

Luna Logic:

Love that.

Ben Binary:

I know. So before we get too far, can you give us, like, a quick breakdown of what this new feature actually does?

Luna Logic:

Yeah. So, basically, picture this. There's a visual card right inside your HubSpot deals, and it's like a timeline. K. It shows you, like, all of your time sensitive properties all laid out.

Luna Logic:

So think, like, contract renewals, project milestones, anything with a deadline, really. It's all about keeping you on top of everything.

Ben Binary:

Okay. So this is, like, no more last minute panics trying to remember when a contract is expiring.

Luna Logic:

Right? 7.

Ben Binary:

But time sensitive properties, I mean, that could be a 1000000 different things in HubSpot. Yeah. What are we really talking about here?

Luna Logic:

So, basically, any property in your HubSpot account that has a start and end date. Okay. So think contract start dates, renewal dates. You've got project kickoffs, completion dates, onboarding phases, you name it. This tracker just pulls those dates in and shows them to you visually right there in the deal record.

Ben Binary:

So you're not just stuck with, like, the basic deal stages then? Nope. You can pull in all these other key dates from across HubSpot. That's gotta be huge for stuff like client onboarding

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Or even managing internal projects, I bet.

Luna Logic:

For sure. So, like, say you're onboarding a new client. Right? You could have the contract start date, the kickoff call, the date that their training gets completed, everything all laid out on this timeline.

Ben Binary:

That's amazing.

Luna Logic:

And the best part is you're not having to, like, jump between different spreadsheets or try to keep track of it all in your notes. It's just all centralized.

Ben Binary:

I love that. Yeah. And this isn't one of those, like, sneaky HubSpot things where you have to, like, upgrade to some crazy expensive plan to get it right. This is available to everyone.

Luna Logic:

You got it. This is the best part. So HubSpot has rolled this out across all of their products and additions. Okay? So it doesn't matter if you're on starter, you're on professional, enterprise, whatever.

Luna Logic:

You have access to this, and I think it really shows that HubSpot gets how important this is for everybody.

Ben Binary:

I love that.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Okay. So for everyone listening, as you're starting to play around with this new property date tracker, what do you think is, like, the most important thing for people to keep in mind?

Luna Logic:

Yeah. I'd say really think about your processes.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Where are, like, the biggest headaches when it comes to managing all this date based information in your work? Because this tool is super customizable. Right? So you can really make it your own. Like, could this visual timeline totally streamline your client onboarding?

Luna Logic:

Could it help your sales team close deals faster because everyone's on the same page with deadlines? Just play around with it. Test different properties. See what works for you.

Ben Binary:

I love it. The property day tracker HubSpot's gift to anyone who's ever felt buried alive by their calendar.

Luna Logic:

The hero we didn't know we needed.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.