HubSpot Content Hub Updates September 2024

HubSpot Content Hub Updates September 2024

Ben Binary:

Alright. HubSpot September updates. It's time for a deep dive.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. Definitely. A lot to unpack here.

Ben Binary:

You know, we're all about making the most of HubSpot. Right? And they just dropped a ton of new features this month.

Luna Logic:

It's true. It's true.

Ben Binary:

So we're gonna break it down Yeah. For you.

Luna Logic:

It is it is a lot a lot of ground covered in these updates. We're seeing some really interesting developments in AI Yeah. Some powerful CRM enhancements, and even some, some booties tucked in there for the developers out there.

Ben Binary:

Developer yeah. It it's funny you should say that because I was gonna say, it's clear that AI is a huge focus this time around.

Luna Logic:

For sure.

Ben Binary:

It seems like almost every single area of HubSpot got some kind of AI upgrade this month.

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. And it's not just about adding AI just because they can.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Like, they're actually using AI in ways that are gonna make a difference in how we work.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. Take the AI image generator, for example. Oh, the AI image generator. Remember when that first came out?

Luna Logic:

I do. I do. And I have to say I was a little underwhelmed.

Ben Binary:

You and everyone else. Yeah. I mean, everyone is excited about the potential, but it felt like the quality wasn't quite there yet. Exactly. And this update, I think, really shows that they've been listening to that feedback.

Luna Logic:

Oh, good.

Ben Binary:

Because the quality of AI generated images has taken a big leap forward.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And this is huge because now you can create these unique visuals for your campaigns without needing to go to a designer.

Luna Logic:

Now that is a game changer, especially for smaller businesses or even, you know, teams that just have limited resources.

Ben Binary:

Right? Right.

Luna Logic:

That's amazing.

Ben Binary:

It's about empowering you to move faster. Yeah. Iterate on your ideas. Love it. Faster, quicker, better.

Luna Logic:

But that's just one example. HubSpot's also using AI to help you write more effective calls to action.

Ben Binary:

You're telling me ChatSpot can write my calls to action now?

Luna Logic:

Kind of. Yeah. They've introduced this new collaborative mode, which I think is really, really interesting

Ben Binary:

Okay. Because it's like having an AI

Luna Logic:

brainstorming partner

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

To help you craft those perfect CTAs.

Ben Binary:

Oh, I like that because Because you

Luna Logic:

know you spend way too much time agonizing over those two words. I was

Ben Binary:

gonna say sometimes I feel like I spend way too much time on CTA copy. Yeah. But, you know, I always tell myself, it's those little details that make a big difference. So

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. And think about how often we all default to those, like, generic learn more buttons.

Ben Binary:

Oh, yeah. Guilty as charged. Guilty as charged.

Luna Logic:

Well, with chat spot's help, maybe we can finally retire those tired old CTAs and come up with something more creative, more engaging.

Ben Binary:

Okay. I am sold. But AI isn't just about making things prettier or catchier, is it? HubSpot is also using it to fight spam

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Which we love. This is

Luna Logic:

one of those updates that might not seem as flashy

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But it's a big deal for your day to day.

Ben Binary:

Oh, absolutely.

Luna Logic:

They've really enhanced their spam detection for forms, using AI to catch even those sneaky spam submissions that somehow always slip through.

Ben Binary:

So are you telling me I can finally say goodbye to all those gibberish entries that just clog up my forms?

Luna Logic:

Well, hopefully yeah. Fingers crossed. But

Ben Binary:

I mean

Luna Logic:

Here's a detail I love. It doesn't just flag spam.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

It tells you what kind of spam it caught.

Ben Binary:

Oh, I like that. So you

Luna Logic:

get a little more insight into what's actually happening.

Ben Binary:

Oh, I love those little detail.

Luna Logic:

It shows that they're really paying attention Yeah. To the pain points

Ben Binary:

They are listening.

Luna Logic:

That users are actually experiencing.

Ben Binary:

I love it.

Luna Logic:

Even the ones that seem kinda minor.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

But speaking of pain points, let's talk about how HubSpot is making life easier for sales teams.

Ben Binary:

Yes. Let's talk CRM. Yes. Because they did not disappoint with these updates.

Luna Logic:

They did not. They did not. No. And, you know, HubSpot CRM has always been about giving you a clear picture of your sales pipeline.

Ben Binary:

Right. But these new updates, I think they're really all about helping you take action faster Okay.

Luna Logic:

And making better decisions.

Ben Binary:

You're speaking my language because time is money Yeah. Especially in sales.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So what have they done to make our lives easier?

Luna Logic:

Okay. Well, imagine this. Right?

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

You're in the CRM looking at a contact, and you need to add a note, create a task, or maybe manage associations.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Normally, that's a bunch of clicks going to different screens.

Ben Binary:

Don't even get me started. Right. Sometimes I feel like I am clicking through a maze just to update a simple deal.

Luna Logic:

Well, say hello to the quick actions card.

Ben Binary:

Oh, here we go. Right. This new customizable card that basically lets you do all of

Luna Logic:

those things from one spot.

Ben Binary:

Wait. Hold on. Yeah. So I can add a note. I can assign a task.

Ben Binary:

Yep. What else? All without even leaving the contact record.

Luna Logic:

You got it.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

It's all about putting those actions at your fingertips.

Ben Binary:

Love it.

Luna Logic:

How much time is that gonna save you?

Ben Binary:

Right. I mean, it's the little things Yes. Or in this case, the quick actions card.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Okay. What else what else should we be geeking out about?

Luna Logic:

Alright. So remember that feeling of dread when you realize that a whole bunch of contracts are about to renew.

Ben Binary:

Oh, yeah. And then you've gotta scramble to find all the details.

Luna Logic:

Right. Not fun. Not fun at all.

Ben Binary:

Well, those days are over thanks to the property date tracker.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

It gives you this visual overview

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Of all the upcoming deadlines

Luna Logic:

I love this.

Ben Binary:

Based on any date property in your CRM.

Luna Logic:

Okay. This is brilliant. No more spreadsheet gymnastics to keep track of all those dates.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

I can see this being a lifesaver for so many businesses.

Ben Binary:

Yeah. For sure. And for those of you out there who live and breathe data

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

HubSpot has added a seriously powerful tool.

Luna Logic:

Hit me with it.

Ben Binary:

It's called time based calculated properties.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

I know I know it sounds a little technical.

Luna Logic:

Sound a little technical. Yeah. But I have a feeling that our data loving listeners are very excited right now.

Ben Binary:

Oh, 100%. So,

Luna Logic:

basically, imagine being able to create properties that calculate the time since something happened or the time until something should happen.

Ben Binary:

Okay. I'm intrigued. Give me an example.

Luna Logic:

Okay. So let's say you wanna see all the deals that haven't been updated in the last 2 weeks.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Or maybe you wanna analyze your average contract length

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

See if there are any trends there. You can do all of that now.

Ben Binary:

So you're saying, I can finally ditch my crazy complex spreadsheet formulas and just do it right in HubSpot.

Luna Logic:

That is what I'm saying.

Ben Binary:

Music to my ears.

Luna Logic:

It's about making your data work harder so you can make better decisions.

Ben Binary:

I love it, but it's not just about speed and efficiency. Right?

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

HubSpot is also making it easier for specific types of businesses to, like, get up and running on their platform.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

So making it easier. How so?

Luna Logic:

So they've rolled out these prebuilt data templates

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

For specific industries.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

We're talking real estate

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

And health care.

Ben Binary:

Nice. So instead of starting from scratch

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

These businesses can basically hit the ground running.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. With a CRM that's already set up with the right properties and workflows

Ben Binary:

Makes sense.

Luna Logic:

For their industry.

Ben Binary:

Like a shortcut.

Luna Logic:

Exactly. And it it just shows that HubSpot's thinking about

Ben Binary:

They are listening.

Luna Logic:

The needs

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Of different types of businesses.

Ben Binary:

I like it. But it's not just about those businesses. Right.

Luna Logic:

They haven't forgotten about our developers out there.

Ben Binary:

Speaking of, any love for the developers?

Luna Logic:

Absolutely. Remember how we were talking about serverless functions?

Ben Binary:

I do. Yeah.

Luna Logic:

Behind the scenes code

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Makes HubSpot automation just, like, sing, mad.

Ben Binary:

Powerful stuff.

Luna Logic:

Powerful but tricky.

Ben Binary:

Very tricky.

Luna Logic:

If something goes wrong

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Debugging just got a lot easier because they've really improved the logging.

Ben Binary:


Luna Logic:

Gives those developers way more insight into what's happened.

Ben Binary:

Oh, that's great because nobody wants to spend hours Yeah. Trying to decipher error messages.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And speaking of making things smoother, did you see the update for embedding forms?

Luna Logic:

You mean so now you can embed them directly into your CMS pages.

Ben Binary:

Yes. Exactly. Seamless. I love it just seems so simple.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

But it's such a pain point when it's not working. Right? It's all about the user experience.

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

And these little touches, they really make a difference.

Luna Logic:

Yeah. They do.

Ben Binary:

Well, it sounds like HubSpot has covered all the bases with these updates, AI, CRM, developer tools. We've got industry specific features.

Luna Logic:

They really are firing on all cylinders.

Ben Binary:

They are. What's next?

Luna Logic:

Exactly. What are they gonna revolutionize next?

Ben Binary:

That is the question.

Luna Logic:

That is the question.

Ben Binary:

I guess we'll have to wait and see. We'll have to wait and see. But until then, that's all the time we have for this deep dive. Yeah. Thanks for joining

Luna Logic:


Ben Binary:

Thanks, everyone.

Creators and Guests

Ben Binary
Ben Binary
A sharp, data-driven AI personality with a clear, robotic yet professional appearance, embodying precision and technical expertise. He decodes HubSpot updates with the efficiency of an algorithm.
Luna Logic
Luna Logic
An intelligent and insightful AI co-host, designed with a logical, analytical mind, and a polished professional look. She brings strategic thinking and a clear, human-like touch to complex updates.